{ Chapter Twenty Four }

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Brione and I sat at cousin Veva's house , waiting on our mother . It's been a few hours since we left her and now the sun is rising . For some reason , I'm not afraid . Brione on the other hand was terrified .

Veva been complaining about how Sykes isn't picking up his phone and how badly she's going to beat him when he comes home . Fame laid his head on Brione's lap , sleeping away the pain he feels in his chest . It's crazy and weird how he isn't injured as much as we thought he was .

He told us that he doesn't remember anything or why he have cuts on his neck and chest . He just remember falling out of his bed then it became difficult for him to catch his breath .

"Should we call Hisan?" Brione asks with worried eyes .

Before I could respond , a knock came onto the door . Veva runs to the door , quickly unlocks it then swings it open .

She surprisingly throws her body against someone .

"Thank God you're alright!" She hangs on to them .

The thought came to mind that it was Sykes but I was mistaken when my mother walks into the house .

"Mom!" Brione and I said gratefully . I jumped from my seat and wrap my arms around her small frame , slightly picking her up off the ground .

"Boy if you don't put me down!" She said with attitude . Then Diamond runs in . I noticed around her mouth , it was red .

I chuckled and landed her back on her feet , kissing her on the cheek .

"What happened? Are you alright?" Veva started attacking her with questions along with checking her to see if she's hurt .

"I'm fine." She stated . She walks to Fame and touches his forehead .

"How do you feel?" She asks .

"A little better and sore." He said .

She nods . "Go home Fame."

"What about the girls?"

"I'll check on them . Just go home . I already have a few of your things in the car." She said then turns to look at Veva .

"Have you heard from Sykes?"

"No . He won't answer his phone!" Veva whines . "On everything , I'm hurting that lil boy." She slams her phone onto her coffee table .

My mom stared at her with dull eyes as if what she said didn't phase her .

"Did you discover that Fame cuts weren't deep enough to bleed heavily?" She points at Fame .

"Yes." Veva and Brione said .

"Who does the blood belong to because I know it isn't from me!" Brione exclaims .

"Yea what type of voodoo shit is going on?" Fame grunts as he attempts to sit up .

"Veva .. I have to speak with you . Privately." My mom said in a serious tone .

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