{ Chapter Twenty Three }

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(Night they arrived in Jamaica)

I awakened in a cold sweat as my pulse throbbed against my temple causing a great amount of pain . I sat up allowing my upper body to rest on my elbows . I looked around the room that I was in . The midnight sky that holds the moonlight , glistened through the window pane and reflected againts the white walls that had black and grey birds imprinted on it. I regained my composure, letting myself realized that everything that just transpired was just a horrifying nightmare.

But it felt so real! Fame, Bri, my mom?- Ecspecially my mom. I thought I lost her and the thing with Sebastian, why did all of that happen?

I looked at the time on the digital clock . 6:30am is what is displayed. I pulled back the covers and walked through the dark hall way. The house that we lived in belonged to my grandmother . My mom said that we stayed here when I was a baby . I could tell because it looked old and ancient like .

Brione's door was cracked so I took a brief look in her room and noticed she was in the bed sleeping peacefully. I could see the imprint of her swollen body through the covers.

Good! Her and the baby is okay.

I then went two doors down, where my mother's room was located. As I stood in the doorway , I hesitated to push it further open . I'm not sure why but I have this irrie feeling in my stomach . I felt sick , odd and out of place . Finally , I slightly pushed the door open with my finger tips and was pleased to see her asleep in her bed. I released the breath that I didn't know I was holding then walked in . I got in the bed quietly and clunged on to her waist, the smell of her hair soothed me.

"Boy what are you doing?" She growls as she turned over and looked at me. Seeing her up and alive was a gleeful feeling for me.

"I had a bad dream" I simply uttered.

She sat up and reached over to the side of the bed and turned on the lamp that was on the night stand . I laid my head on her chest and she cradled me as if I was three years old but I didn't mind .

"What happened and who was involved?" She asks as she played in my hair .

"I don't wanna get all into details but I lost you, I thought you were gone." I felt tears forming in my eyes , when I looked up she was staring into midair with a look of calmness . She then glances back at me , slightly furrowing her eyebrows . I waited for a minute for her to gather her thoughts . She breathes in and licks her lips .

I expected an 'it's going to be okay . it was only a dream speech' but I didn't receive that .

"Bryce you know we're not going to be here forever. You have to not only stay strong for me and your sister but mainly for yourself because at the end of the day , you have to keep yourself in check ."

I didn't want to hear those words . That honestly hurted me .

I sat up and looked at her .

"Don't say that! You haven't been apart of my life so now you're here it's your job to teach me new things . T-to show me what life is really about and to teach me how to properly treat women . To tell me everything is going to be okay when I fall and reach my breaking point . Mom you're supposed to be not only my mother but my teacher . Teach me how to be strong and wise . To be intelligent and fearless . I was scared mom . I want to make the right decisions and I can't do these things without you. Promise me that you will never leave." I stuck my pinky out . I most likely sounded like a spoil inconsiderate brat but this is true , I need my mom .

Love Truly III : Anxious (Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt