chapter 6

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The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. I'm sweaty af,so I change into shorts and tank-top,also my bunny slippers and I walk downstairs. Luke is in the kitchen cooking the food. When I walked in I said,"bacon for me!" He starts giggling (like a little girl. Hahaha! Jk!) Then,he says,"ha,your funny." I grab a glass cup and pour some orange juice. I walk by luke he booty bumps me and I drop my drink. He goes,"omg,I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that." Then,he starts laughing. I said,"you suck." He says,"I'll clean it up don't worry about it." Then,he says," go make sure they aren't awake and if they are distract them for a little bit." I went upstairs and walked into Ashton's room. He was on his phone. He asked,"what the crash downstairs was about." I said,"Luke dropped a pan." Then,he said,"so did he ruin the bacon?" I said," no,thank god." Then,we heard luke yell breakfast is ready. We got up and went downstairs. While we ate nobody was talking so it was really silent. I took my phone out because nobody was talking. Luke looks at me and shakes his head I don't know what it means until Ashton says," okay,I guess we need to discuss rules." He looks at me. I say," I guess we do don't we?" Then he says all these rules I can't even count them their is so many. After that he says," what is up with your attitude lately,like seriously?" Luke goes,"shut up,Ashton." I get up and walk out even though I broke a "rule" I don't care. I walk up to my room and lock the door and I start crying.

I don't know if you would call that a cliffhanger but whatever. I hope you like the story so far. Add me on kik: Skye_sauce, instagram: Skye_sauce,and twitter: @skye_fults
I feel like I'm making short chapters please tell if I am because I will improve if I make short ones.

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