chapter 21

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We get out and walk inside. Michael is standing at the door and sees me. He says,"what happened to you?" I point at Ashton and Luke. We all get inside and walk into the kitchen. They sit the pizza down on the island. Luke puts two slices on a plate and hands it to me. Luke points at the dining table. I go and sit down. Ashton says,"Shay why didn't you tell me the truth before I might have said yes?!" I say,"really?!" He says,"no!" Ashton says,"did you not hear any of the rules I told you?" I say,"nope." He says,"you just broke two rules tonight. One was no going out with boys until your 16. The other one was no lying to us." I say,"16,are you stupid?" He says,"no,I'm not and go to your room right now." I get up and go to my room. I sit down on my bed and get my phone out. I go to my text messages and text Ethan and I say that I'm sorry my dad is a butthole. He says it okay. He ask how long I'm grounded? I say I don't know,yet. He says oh,what school do you go to? I say I don't go to school. He says that weird. I hear someone coming up the stairs so I get up and go to my bathroom. The person comes in my room and sits on my bed. I crack the door open and see luke sitting there right beside my phone. He looks at it and grabs it. I flush the toilet and walk out. He sits it back down and looks at me. He says,"Shay,I'm sorry." I say,"He probably hates me now because of you." He says,"Shay,I'm thought you were on my side." I say,"Luke, I'm not going to be on your side if you're going to tell on me." He says,"Shay,I thought you would listen to me but I guess you can't that's why you're grounded right now." He gets up and walks toward the door. I say,"at least I can get a date unlike you." He says,"I have a girlfriend and I can't go out with her because of you." I say,"yeah right." He says,"whatever Shay," and walks out.

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