chapter 67

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A few minutes later Ethan walls over to our table and says,"hey,why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I say,"sorry,I didn't think you could use your phone at work." He says,"oh,you brought a dad I see." I say,"yeah,we had to get medicine for Luke." He says,"oh,what's wrong with him?" I say,"stomach virus I think." He says,"oh,that sounds horrible. Why don't I give you some nice warm soup to take to him." I say,"yeah,that sounds nice,"and I start to get my money out. He says,"it's on the house,"and he goes to get it. Michael says,"that's strange." I say,"what is?" He says,"it's wouldn't give that soup to Luke if I were you." I say,"why?" He says,"he seems nervous around me and the guys. He just seems fishy." I say,"Michael that's nonsense." He says,"I'm going to say something when he comes back." I say,"Michael,please don't say anything." He says,"no,umm going to say something." A few minutes later he comes back and sits it on the table. I say,"thank you,I think Luke will appreciate it." He says,"your welcome,would you like anything else?" Michael says,"no,thank you,but I think we should go now." I say,"Michael can we stay just a few more minutes." He says,"I mean if you want Luke to get worse then yeah." I say,"fine,bye Ethan. I'll text you later,"and he hugs me. We get in the car and Michael says,"see I told you he was nervous,he didn't say one word to me." I say,"probably because Luke and Ashton yelled at us in the movies." He says,"see he's getting revenge on Luke. Don't let Luke have that soup. I want you to throw it out as soon as we get home." I say,"fine,I'll eat it then." He says,"Shay, if you start to eat it I will knock it out of your hand." I say,"why? What if it's perfectly fine and your wasting food?" He says,"I'm not taking a risk. We're about to start the tour and Luke doesn't need to get sick anymore and neither do you."

Omg,thanks for 1k. Also,sorry for not updating for like a whole month.😕
I just got caught up in school,holidays,etc. Don't forget to vote, comment, read, etc.
Eat lettuce,stay in school,don't do drugs,and I love you! :)

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