chapter 26

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Later that day someone knocks on my door. I say,"come in." Calum comes in and says,"Ashton wants to talk to you in his room." I go to Ashton's room and I walk into it. He says,"come sit down I have to talk to you about a few things." I go and sit by him on his bed. He says,"first thing is that it's time for you to start going to school." I say,"can I pick the school?" He says,"you can pick from the three I give you." I say,"okay." He says,"centertown,Eastside,or van buren?" I say,"Eastside!" He says,"god,you seem happy to go to school." I say,"what was the other thing you wanted to talk about?" He says,"I changed a rule. The rule was no dating until your 16 now it's 13." I say,"wait,so I can date now." He says,"yeah,school starts this Monday,so you're going shopping tomorrow." He says,"alright,you can go text your little friend now." He says,"also,sorry about Luke earlier he can be mean sometimes." I say,"it's okay." I walk out and go back to my room. I text Ethan and say hey,it have 2 very good things to tell you! A few minutes later he says what is it? I say one is I'm going to your school. Two is I'm allowed to date now. He says that's great,but I gtg I'm at the movies with my parents and my sister. I say oh,okay. Ttyl. At 8 o'clock Luke comes in and says,"it's time to go to bed." I say,"no,it's not." He says,"yes,it is now get in bed." I say,"no, it's not 10 o'clock yet." He says," I said get in bed now you fucking brat!" He walks out and slams the door. Calum comes in a hour later and says,"so Ashton told me that I'm going to take you shopping tomorrow." I say,"okay. Do you know what as been in Luke's pant lately,because he's being a bitch." He says,"no,I don't know but he's a douchebag sometimes so don't worry about it." He says,"so that boy you have been talking to. I heard he worked at a cafe downtown. Do you want to go tomorrow?" I say,"I don't know." He leaves,so I go and take a shower.

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