chapter 48

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Ashton says,"so we have something very exciting to tell you,Shay." I say,"what is it?" He says,"we're going on tour next week on Friday." I say,"that's awesome I can't wait I'm going to start packing right now,"and I run upstairs. I pick out a few outfits and put them in my suitcase. At about 8 that night Luke comes in and says,"we are going to a bar you wanna come or do you want to stay here?" I say,"I'm staying here I don't like drunk people." He says,"okay. See ya later." After they leave I text Dillon,Wyatt,and Ethan and say come to my house,please. I tell Dillon and Wyatt the address and Ethan says okay,I'll be there soon. After about an hour they all arrive. Ethan and me are in the kitchen and he says,"why are you hanging out with Dillon?" I say,"umm,because we have been friends,since we were little." He says,"I'll tell you something people say he's really gross but hot. He's only been at our school for 2 months and has already dated like 30 girls. And from what I've heard he had sex with all of them. And it's only a matter of time before he does it to you." I say,"that's a lie he would have told me if he had sex or not." He says,"believe whatever,but if you walk around with him at school people will think you had sex with him,so watch out." We go back into the living room and sit down. Wyatt says,"Skye,I'm going to be at your school tomorrow." I say,"oh,that's cool." I look at Wyatt and say,"can I talk to you for a minute?" He says,"sure,"and we go to the kitchen. I say,"has Dillon had sex by any chance?" He says,"woah,did you invite us over to have sex?" I say,"no,Ethan told me something and I don't know if I should believe it." He says,"yeah,I hear him fucking girls all the time in our room." I say,"Wyatt omg! Why didn't you tell me this?" He says,"I didn't think you wanted to know his sex life." I say,"I don't,"and we go back to the living room.

The picture is her closet. Thanks so much for reading the story guys. Ily :)

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