chapter 43

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Later that night were in the basement playing the Xbox one. Only four people can play and there is six of us,so two people have to take a break. Layla nudges me and looks at Luke. While their trying to decide who sits out I say,"I have to talk to Luke in private,so we'll sit out." Layla looks at me and mouths good luck. I pull Luke up the stairs and into the kitchen. He says,"what do you want to talk about?" I say,"us." He says,"us?" I say,"Layla,Michael,and me were talking about crushes and it went off into something totally different." He says,"what does this have to do with me?" I say really fast,"I have a crush on you and I wanted to know if you feel the same?" He says,"what? All u heard out of that was crush feel same." I say,"I have a crush on you." He says,"okay,I mean that's kinda obvious." I say,"I wanted to know if you felt the same?" He says,"who got you into this?" I say,"nobody,I'm serious Luke." He goes,"oh,now I feel bad I'm sorry." I say,"so you don't feel the same because Layla and Michael think you do." He says,"so are they making you do this?" I say,"no,nobody is making me do this." He says,"Skye,I wish I could tell you the answer,but I can't right now." He walks out and upstairs to his room. A few minutes later I hear Layla coming up the stairs. She walks into the kitchen and sees me sitting on a stool with my head in my hands. She says,"aww,are you okay?" I say,"I did that for nothing he said he couldn't give me the answer and walked upstairs." She says,"at least he knows how you feel." I say,"yeah,now I just feel weird." She says,"maybe,he just got nervous." We hear someone coming up the stairs,so we don't talk just in case it's Ashton. Michael walks in and says,"you got rejected!"and plays the John Cena music. I say,"not technically,but thanks for making it funny." He says,"what did he say?" I say,"he said he couldn't give me the answer and walked away." He says,"oh." Then,his phone starts ringing and he says,"I got to go Luke is trying is trying to facetime." He walks upstairs to Luke's room. I say,"Layla I want to go listen to what their talking about." She says,"it's all about taking risk come on,"and she grabs my hand. We all up to the door and listen. I hear Michael say,"Luke just tell Ashton and then tell her." I hear Luke sniff,so I think he's crying. Layla and me sneak back downstairs. She says,"so Luke is totally into you and his possibly crying." I say,"I just want to cuddle with him because I made him cry."

The picture above is Luke's bedroom. It's boring I know but oh well. Don't forget to vote, comment, read, etc. Ily :)

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