chapter 37

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About 20 minutes later we arrive at her house. Michael says,"I'll be back in a few minutes stay put." I say,"Luke what if she doesn't like me?" He says,"I don't know maybe we can knock some sense into her head or your head." I say,"hey!" He says,"I'm kidding." Just then Michael comes out and says,"are you coming or nah?" I get out and walk over to him. Luke comes up behind me and slings his arm over my shoulder and we walk inside. There is a girl in a Pokémon shirt and black sweatpants. Her hair is blonde with black bangs,she has a nose piercing,and nerd glasses. She walks over to Michael and I swear to god its the perfect couple. Michael says,"guys this is Layla and she's my girlfriend." The guys introduce themselves. She points at me and Luke together and says,"are you two dating?" Luke says,"no,"and steps a few steps away. Michael says,"that's Skye our daughter. Don't mind them they are just really close to each other." She says,"okay. Nice to meet you,Skye. I like your hair." I say,"thanks." She says,"oh,Michael my friend is finally back do you want to meet her?" He says,"sure." "Scarlet get your butt down here,"she yells up the stairs. I hear a girl yell,"what do you want I'm trying to do my YouTube video?!" Then,Layla yells,"just get down here!" A couple minutes later a girl with half of a skeleton drawn on her face. She's wearing a black tank top and sweatpants and she has blue and blonde hair. She says,"oh,we have guests. Hi,I'm Scarlet and I normally don't look like this." Then,we all introduce ourselves. Michael says,"I guess we will leave,but I'll be back later." Layla says,"alright see you later babe,bye guys." We all get in the car and leave.

The picture above is of Layla. Don't forget to vote, comment, read, etc. Ily :)

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