chapter 22

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I wake up the next day and I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Ashton is fixing biscuits and gravy. Luke is fixing some coffee. I sit at the dining table. I turn on my phone and I go to my messages to text Ethan back. Ashton walks behind me and looks over my shoulder. Aston says,"Shay,why don't you go and wake up Calum and Michael." I get up and walk upstairs. I walk into Calum's room first. He has a bucket by his bed. I say,"Calum wake up!" He sits up and says,"what?" I say,"are you okay?" He says,"I'm feeling better." I say,"Ashton wanted me to come wake you up." He says,"oh,okay." I walk out and go to Michael's room. I jump on his bed and tackle him. He says,"omg,get the fuck off me." I say,"well,good morning to you too." He says,"what do you want?" I say,"Ashton told me to come wake you up." He says,"oh,anything else?" I say,"yeah,I think Luke and Ashton saw that I was texting Ethan." He says,"how do you know for sure?" I say,"well,I saw Luke grab my phone yesterday and this morning Ashton looked over my shoulder when I was texting him." He says,"if Luke knows he would have told Ashton by now." I say,"are you sure yesterday he said that he thought I was on his side." He says,"whatever lets go eat." We walk downstairs and sit down at the dining table. Luke comes and sits my food in front of me. He goes too the fridge and fixes some milk. He comes and sits it down. He sits down at his seat beside me and glares at me. They all start eating. Ashton looks at me and says,"why arent't you eating?" I say,"I'm not hungry,can I be excused?" He says,"eat it now." I grab the fork and slowly eat it. I text Michael under the table. I get his attention and mouth check your phone. Michael gets his phone from his pocket. He looks at it and stands up. He walks to the fridge and pours ma a cup of orange juice. He walks back to his seat and sits it by my plate. Ashton says,"no,Michael take that back now." Michael says,"why she asked for it." Ashton says,"Shay,if you drink your milk you can have some orange juice." I grab the milk and sip it. I swallow it as soon as it gets into my mouth. I take another gulp I get this feeling that I'm about to throw up. I look in Luke's direction and I throw up all over him. Luke says,"eww,your freaking gross." He gets up and walks out. Michael says,"that was awesome!" Ashton gets up and says,"alright lets go clean you up.

Hey guys so I'm back in school so I won't be updating much. Also,this my first time typing this on a computer so you know.

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