chapter 57

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We're in the car listening to the pop station. They were talking about them adopting me,she started reading some mean tweets about me and the guys. Tears started to well in my eyes. I've had enough for today,so I just let it out. It goes to a song,so they didn't even hear it. Their conversation went to food and Ashton says,"Skye,are you hungry?" He looks back at me through the rear view mirror. It goes silent and he says,"what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I say,"nothing,sorry I was just thinking about stuff." He says,"okah,where do you want to eat?" I say,"I don't care." He says,"I guess we'll go to Olive Garden." We go in and take our seats. We're waiting for our food when Luke says,"I'll be back I'm going to get some fresh air." I say,"I'll go with you." We walk outside and he says,"what do you want and don't say you don't want anything because I know you do." I say,"I was going to tell you but I changed my mind." He says,"okay,"and pulls something out of his pocket. I hear him flicking something and I don't want to look up to see what it is. I look up and see him holding a cigarette. I walk back inside and past our table to the bathroom. I heard them yell my name but I just ignored it. I went into the big stall and sat in the corner. I saw black vans enter a couple minutes later. They knocked on the stall door. I say,"go away guys." The person says,"okay. We'll let you calm down I guess,"and he walks out. I think the person was Calum,so I got up and wiped the tears away and made myself presentable. And I walked out and went to my seat.

The picture is just a picture of Olive Garden. Lol.

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