chapter 40

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Michael drops me off at the mall where Dillon and Wyatt are suppose to meet me. It's really cold and I didn't bring a jacket,so I go inside and sit on a bench. About 10 minutes later Dillon text me and says where are you at? I text him and say I'm inside on a bench don't you dare try and scare me. He text back and says okay. I won't I promise. A minute later I see him and Wyatt coming inside. I stand up and give them both a hug. Wyatt says,"did your little boyfriend Luke make you come inside because he thinks something bad will happen?" I say,"no,for your info,I got cold so I came inside where it's warm." He says,"oh,so he's your boyfriend now?" I say,"no,he's not and btw Michael dropped me off." He says,"okay. Michael's okay because he isn't a player like Luke." I say,"Luke is not a player you're just jealous." He says,"just because you have a crucial on him doesn't mean you have to defend him." I say,"I'm not defending him. I mean your a player too,so why should I trust you?" He says,"no,I'm not. Let's just forget this and go watch the movie,"and he starts walking towards the door. We walk over to the movie theater beside the mall and get our tickets. We all go to the bathroom. Then,we all order our snacks for the movie. We go into the theater and take our seats. We have like 15 minutes before the movie starts. We're all just sitting there on our phones until the previews come on. We silence our phones and put them back in our pockets. I'm sitting in between the both of them and during the movie Wyatt slowly grabs my hand. I jerk my hand away from his. I get up and pull Dillon with me. We get out into the lobby and he says,"this better be important because it was almost to the good part." I say,"it is important. Wyatt grabbed my hand and he said he wasn't a player." He said,"don't worry he just likes you." I say,"I'm going to leave just tell I had to leave because it's almost my curfew or something okay?" And I walk out and to the mall.

Hey everybody this was a filler so just wait until the good part starts in the next chapter or two. Don't forget to vote, comment, read, etc. Ily :)

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