Rainy Day (pt. 1)

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"Scott it's raining!!" Mitch says as he quickly opens the front door and sprints into the house, running into Scott's arms.

"Aw baby, it's okay."

"All of my Vetements are ruined! Look at this jacket! $1030!! I knew it'd be cold, but not rainy! Nick lied to me!"

"A little rain won't kill your jacket, Mitch." Scott laughs.

"And who's Nick?" Scott adds, with a hint of jealousy.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about him." Mitch replies, snaking out of Scott's arms and walking away slowly. "He's just my Big Daddy."

"Mitch." Scott says sternly.

"I'm kidding, god! He's a guy from work and he always updates me on the weather. He's straight. You don't have to get so possessive, Scott." Mitch says as he takes off his wet coat and gently places it on a dining chair.

"Okay, I'm sorry baby, just.. You know how much I love you and how protective I am over you. I just want you to be happy and well taken care of." Scott says as he comes up behind Mitch and wraps his arms around him.

Mitch turns around in Scott's arms to face him.

"I am well taken care of. By you. The best boyfriend anyone could ever have. I love you." Mitch says before kissing Scott, smiling.

"But, I'm not very happy right now. My jacket is ruined, my pants are pretty damp, and my feet are soaking wet. I actually just realized right now that I'm freezing. But your embrace is keeping me warmer, Scotty, thank you."

Scott just smiles and kisses Mitch's forehead, causing Mitch to giggle.

"How's about this?" Scott starts, "You go take a nice, hot shower and when you're done, meet me in the den so we can cuddle and watch Netflix. Deal?"

"Can we Netflix and chill?" Mitch asks, biting his lip.

"Mitch! No! What's gotten into you?"

"It was just a thought, Daddy." Mitch replies, shrugging. He struts in the direction of their bedroom/bathroom and sways his hips, trying to seduce Scott.

"Oh, how will I EVER be able to get washed all by myself? I need someone to help. I'm a cold and dirty boy and I can't take care of myself. WHO would be willing to accompany me?" Mitch whines while walking to the room.

"Mitchy! Stop! I have to make dinner!"

Mitch just giggles before closing the door.

Scott rolls his eyes and lightly chuckles to himself, saying, "That boy.."


Scott tries cooking but realizes that he can't cook anything, except maybe toast, so he orders some Chinese takeout.

He looks up Mitch's drenched jacket on Google, and finds that the rainwater is a surprisingly easy fix. He collects Mitch's jacket and cleans it up quickly.

The Chinese food arrives within 5 minutes, thanks to Postmates, and Scott sets it on the counter.

Scott knows that Mitch's showers are usually half an hour, so he decides to put Mitch's jacket away. But then he realizes.. Where does it go? Does it have a special hanger? This is one of Mitch's favorite coats.. He doesn't want to mess with anything of Mitch's, especially his clothes.

He approaches the bathroom door, hearing running water and Mitch singing, before knocking on it.


"Yes?" He replies happily.

"Where should I put your jacket?"

"Umm just put it on the dresser next to the bed. But come back, I wanna show you something."

"Okay babe."

Scott puts the jacket down before walking in, steam everywhere.

He sees Mitch's silhouette in the shower before he pops his head out, "Join me, Daddy."

"Mitch, please."

"C'mon Daddy. Pleeeaaaseee? Don't you want me?" Mitch moves around, showing off his body to Scott.

Scott had to admit, it did look tempting. And there was nothing better for him to do.

"Okay Mitchy. You get your way." Scott says as he pulls his shirt off.

"Yayyy!! Thank you Daddy."


A/N: Sorry about no smut in this one!! This was just background info, basically just adding to the plot, and I absolutely fell in love with this idea when I wrote it

Thanks guys :)

I promise there will be smut in part 2 ;)

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