Good Boy

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A/N: This is super long haha sorry bye


It's 4th period, Mitch's English class. Friday, test day. Mitch had studied A LOT the night before and he knows the curriculum quite well, yet for some reason, he's still scared about the test.

He usually gets high A's on tests in this class, yet he still wants the highest score. This one girl, Esther, always beats him to it, though. He's determined to get the highest score, but his nerves are slowly killing him.

The teacher always reads the scores aloud at the end of class, and that was the most anticipating moment for Mitch every week, but the teacher would call out Mitch's name, right before he said that Esther got the highest score. This was always the most disappointing moment for Mitch, but this time, he was on a mission.

He walks in to class, being the first who does so, and his teacher says, "Hi, Mitch" with a bright smile.

Shit. Oh yeah. Mitch's English teacher, Mr. Hoying, was really hot, and Mitch has had a crush on him for the longest time.

"Hi!" He replies shyly, immediately turning away to his seat.

Mr. Hoying was really tall, had gorgeous blonde hair, and intense bright blue eyes. He let his facial hair grow out to a handsome scruff, and he wore glasses with dark frames which complemented his face perfectly.

He usually wore button-ups, which hugged against his biceps beautifully, and Mitch couldn't help it, he was completely infatuated by this man. Sometimes he wore fancy dress suits and damn. It's a fact that men look amazing in suits yet somehow this man looked like a god when he wore a suit.

Thankfully, though, today he wore a normal button-up while he sorted his papers out at his desk.

Mitch didn't understand how this man was so distracting, yet he was so good at this subject, English, and got almost perfect scores on every test. Maybe because he knew he'd never be able to have a chance with him. It was blatant that Mr. Hoying was gay, he told the staff and naturally, it got out to the students, but Mitch assumed he had a boyfriend or a husband or something, knowing he'd never be able to be with him.

His thoughts were interrupted, "Gonna get the highest score today, Mitch?"

"Um.. Maybe? Hopefully." Mitch says, unsure but with high hopes.

"That's the spirit." Mr. Hoying chuckles, "I think you can really do it if you try. Esther is clever, but you're the one with the brains."

Mitch just smiles in return, giggling a bit when students finally start shuffling in and taking their seats, doing some last-minute cramming before the test.

Esther walks in swiftly, passing by Mitch, "Hey Mitch! Did you study last night?"

Mitch glares at her, but she just continues on, "I did. I even studied last period, funny enough!"

She laughs to herself and spins her hair out of the way, trotting to her seat.

Mitch rolls his eyes before the bell rings, and Mr. Hoying starts passing out the tests and explaining certain rules.


It's 10 minutes before class ends, and everyone's turned in their test by now, and Mr. Hoying starts reading out the test scores.

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