Part 1

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Elizabeth Scott above ^

Elizabeth's POV:

My legs and hands were tied and my mouth was duck-taped shut. Him. I saw the anger and evilness in those cold, black, soulless, eyes.
"Your going to wish you never lived" he said standing in front of me with a gun in his hand and a baseball bat. I started crying, "shut up you bitch!" He yelled striking me in the ribs with the bat. I heard a crack and I felt so much pain that my eyes rolled back in my head.

I jolted out of sleep with sweat covering my body. The nightmares are getting worse. They haven't stopped since I found out he escaped prison. That son of a bitch! I wanted him dead. My ribs are still healing from when he hit me with his baseball bat. The pain is bearable but it still hurts. I have scars on my back and chest from when he whipped me. He found me in Toronto so I moved to Los Angeles in hopes that he won't find me. My mom told me not to worry anymore because he was caught by the police again. She told me yesterday
  Tomorrow is my first day at my new school. My mom told me to be a normal teenager and not show or act differently like how I was abused. How do you act like you've been abused? I laid back down onto my bed and closed my eyes remembering that I had a lot of work to do tomorrow.

"Lizzy get up honey you have a big day ahead of you" my mom whispered gently into my ear.
I got out of my bed with out any questions.
Took a shower, washing away the pain and sadness from last nights nightmare. I dried my self off and put some makeup on. Some mascara on my big blue eyes and foundation on my pale skin. I blow dried my straight black hair and made beach waves with my curling iron. When I was done with my face I put my new clothes on my tiny body. I put on a red t-shirt with black high waisted jeans and black knee boots.

  I got down stairs to see my mom, dad and little brother eating breakfast. "Good morning" I said walking into the kitchen and making my self some oatmeal "good morning zeezee" said my dad putting his empty coffee mug into the sink "dad! Stop calling me that" I said annoyed hiding my smile "what ever you say ZEEZEE"
"Dad!" I yelled laughing "Erick stop torturing Lizzy!" Said my mom smiling "Ellie can I have a piggy back?" Asked my 7 year old brother. Yup I have a lot of nicknames. I looked at my brother "no Nick" I said "but Ellieeee!" He begged "not now Nick I have to go to school" I said looking at the time and leaving my oatmeal "after school?" He asked pleadingly "ok Squirt" I said. Nick hates when I call him squirt, "Lizzy have a good day" my mom said as I got to the door with my red Jansport backpack "I will bye mom"
"Bye honey be safe"

     I walked to the drive way and jumped into my white Ford Fusion.

     As soon as I entered White-Wood highs parking lot I parked my car. I took a deep breath "you can do it Lizzy" I said to myself. I got out of the car and nobody was around. The bell rang and I grabbed my bag and ran into the school. I entered the school and kept running. Wait. Where am I going? I stopped and saw a group of girls standing near a locker they looked nice. I went up to them "do you guys know where I can find the office? I'm new here" I said and they looked at me funny "ew get out of here freak" the blonde one said laughing "uh ok" I said walking away "what a loser" I heard her whisper "I can show you where the office is" I said a male voice behind me . I turned around to see a cute guy standing there. He was pretty tall around 6'1 so I had to look up at him. He had brown eyes and chestnut hair styles like the old Justin Bieber's only way way more sexy. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans with black Vans, "thanks" I said blushing "my name is Alex. What's yours?" He asked shyly. A boy this cute is shy? You would expect him to be cocky and all jerk like "my name is Elizabeth but I prefer to be called Lizzy" I said "well Lizzy, let's go to the office before you become late for your class"
"I'm pretty sure I'm already late" I said laughing "yeah you are...didn't want to admit it" he said "let's go" I said turning my heel and walking "umm Lizzy?"
"Yeah?" I asked turning around "the office is that way" he said pointing in the opposite direction "oops" I said shyly walking back to Alex. We started walking "so who are those rude girls?" I asked "that's Ashley's crew. They are really popular so don't go near them if you want to live"
"She doesn't scare me" I laughed "her mother owns the school. I would be scared."
"Well I'm not. I've dealt with way worse" I said thinking back to him. When we got to the office I grabbed my paper to my classes and followed Alex. He had all the same classes as me except math. Right now we are waking to English.

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