Part 14

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Lizzy's POV:

All week Adrian was trying to get my attention. Why? He threw me down and broke me, why would he want my attention after- my thoughts go interrupted when I was pulled out side. I looked behind me and saw my mom "how could that asshole say that to you?!" She yelled "who?"
"That motherfucker Adrian"
"Don't call him that" I said protectively "who told you?" I asked "a cute, dirty blonde haired boy, I think his name was Alex". I started to sob just thinking about Adrian "it's ok honey" my mom said pulling me into a hug "I never want you to see that boy again ok?", i nodded my head letting more tears fall from my eyes "um Lizzy? Can we speak to you?" Mark asked from behind me "who are these handsome boys?" My mother asked smiling "mom this is Mark, Lucas and Jonah" I said wiping my eyes "well I better get going see you soon honey"
"By mom". I turned back to the boys "yeah?" I asked "we need to tell you why Adrian said all those nasty things about you". I looked at my hands "hey guys" I heard a deep male voice say. I turned around to see a very handsome man. He looked like he was 20. He looked a lot like Adrian. This must be his brother "you must be Lizzy" he said "yeah" I said quietly "wow you really are a very beautiful woman, now I can see why Adrian likes you. My name is Asher. I'm Adrian's brother. The boys and I need to tell you about why Adrian is doing all this to you".

We walked into a beautiful big house. Granite and marble everywhere "welcome to the Michaels residence" Asher said trying to act mature. I laughed when he bowed before me "oh your too kind sir" I said bowing with him "care for some tea?" He asked in a very good fake British accent "why thank you" I said trying to imitate him. Everyone broke into laughter. I liked Adrian's brother. He was the complete opposite of him.
I sat down surrounded by a lot of hot men (Jonah, Asher...). They told me everything, from the text a guy named Daniel and another named Frank sent to him, to now, "why couldn't he just tell me?"
"He didn't want you to get involved anymore"
"I feel like a bitch" I said putting my head down "don't worry Liz-" the front door opened. Adrian pushed a girl up against the wall sucking on her face. I put my head down and started to cry. I felt my heart break into trillions of pieces "bro! What are you doing?!" Asher yelled "what. Want to share?" He slurred "what the fuck bro!" Jonah yelled moving I front of me so I wouldn't see anything "who is behind you?" Adrian asked "a very upset woman"
"Oh it's Lizzy. Tell her to leave please" he slurred. I broke at his cold tone. Alex was right. He was completely right. "The only girl that's leaving is the slut your trying to fuck!" Asher yelled "hell no! I worked hard to get one that actually wanted to wait until we got home"
"Adrian. Get. That. Slut. Out. Now!" Asher yelled between gritted teeth. The slut ran out of the house, "there is a girl right here breaking into bits because of you! Don't you have a heart?! My god!"
"I don't care! Yo Asher, man, if your just jealous tell me and I can send some-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! Sit you lame excuse of an ass down and talk to this girl right now! I swear to god I will bash your brains in"
"It's ok guys. I will leave" I said weakly and ran out of the house.
  I was right about to cross the street, "Lizzy wait up!" Yelled Asher "yeah?"
"I'm really sorry about Adrian. He's drunk and probably doesn't mean anything he said. Stay over at my place tonight"
"But Adr-"
"Don't worry. The boys are staying over too so you will be fine"
"Thank you Asher" I said pulling him into a hug "don't worry about it. I know my brothers feelings towards you, and because he's a jerk tonight means he will go mental in the morning when he finds out what he did".

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I got ready and walked downstairs. All eyes were on me when I walked into the kitchen "why is she here?" Asked Adrian "shut your goddamn mouth and eat you shit head" Asher said, he turned to me and pulled me into a hug "morning sleepy head" Asher said "morning" I blushed "don't touch her like that" Adrian said standing in front of me "why do you care? Thought she was a bitch, a slut. Those were the words you used right?"
"I will fucking kill you"
"That's fine dude. Just talk to the poor girl" Asher said as if I wasn't in the room "she will get killed!" He whispered to his brother "yeah. She knows about that"
"She fucking knows?!" Adrian yelled "yeah. I told her. She deserved to know after what happened" Adrian turned to me "I'm so sorry-"
"Save it" I said "everyone leave so they can talk" Asher said pushing everyone out of the kitchen including himself.
Adrian stared at me and I looked at my hands.                  
    I got up and grabbed a glass and poured it with water. I placed my hand on the hot burner accidentally and burned my hand "fuck!" I screamed. Adrian jolted up and ran to me "are you ok?" He asked grabbing my arm "don't touch me" I hissed. Adrain sighed and grabbed the first aid kit. He cleaned my burn and I bit my lip "ah" I whimpered "the bandages will help" Adrian said wrapping my hand in cool clean bandages "there, all done" he said showing me my hand "thanks" I said. I walked to the table but banged my hip on the corner. I lurched back and slipped. Adrian caught my fall "you ok?" He asked. I just stared into his beautiful eyes. Adrian's lips came crashing down on mine. I was stunned but then melted. My heart felt like it was being repaired. I wrapped my arms around his neck, Adrian pushed me closer to him. Our lips were moving together. Adrain pulled away and rested his forehead against mine "I'm so so sorry Lizzy"
"I'm sorry too Adrian. And I forgive you"
"I forgive you too" he said returning to my lips. Adrian's hand slowly made its way underneath my shirt "well looks like they forgave each other" Asher said walking into the kitchen. I blushed and walked over to Asher. I gave him a hug "thank you so much"
"Don't worry about it". I gave every boy a hug and thanked them.
Lucas brought me up to Adrian's room and showed me around. He kept his house and room very clean. I walked into the bathroom and guess what I saw. Woman's clothing, a bra, underwear, skirt, and guess what? A condom wrapper too. I ran out of the bathroom and bumped into Asher "what's wrong?" He asked. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I pointed to Adrian's bathroom. Asher walked in and looked around, "oh god. I'm sorry Lizzy. Maybe he was just hurting. Judging by me this was the day you guys got into the fight because before, this was never here". I nodded my head and ran out of the room, I crashed into Adrian "you ok?" He asked grabbing my hands, "don't touch me!" I yelled "woah. What's wrong. Did I do something?"
"You always do something!" I yelled and pushed him out of the way "Lizzy. Tell me what's wrong" he said grabbing my arm "check your bathroom"
"I can explain"
"Right! Because Adrian always has an explanation. You know what? I'm leaving"
"No your not" he said "let me go"
"Lizzy just let me talk"
"No! Your just going to keep hurting me. Adrian you hurt me so much! Don't you understand?!" I yelled as tears fell from my eyes "I need you to listen to me"
"So you can hurt me?"
"I won't fucking hurt you! Goddamnit!"
"Just let me go. Alex was right about you!"
"What did you just say?" He asked narrowing his eyes and stepping closer to me "tell me you don't feel something towards me and I will leave you alone" he said looking at me in the eye. I loved him. I couldn't hate him and he knows that. I stayed quiet. Even if I wanted to say it my mouth would still stay closed "see. You love me. And I love you. So please. Let me just talk", I nodded my head and say down. Adrian sat beside me "what you saw in the bathroom was a mistake. I used that girl to try and get my mind off of you, it didn't work for shit. Every time I kissed her I thought of you, she means nothing to me. Your the one I want, but I can't have you. If I get caught with you they will shoot you and I won't be able to fight back fast enough. These guys that want me, they are fast. They are my previous gang leaders, even if I move they will find me. Back to the point, what you saw in the bathroom was nothing, I pretended the girl was you. All those things I said to you at school was I lie. You aren't a bitch, you aren't a slut, the sex we had was by far the best, and I love you. I lied through my teeth. Do you know what I did after I said that? I ran home and cried. Not like a little girl wanting her ice cream, but an actual cry, I threw things, shot things, did things I regret. I haven't cried since my dad died, I cried tears of anger, loss, love. You are going to be the death of me Elizabeth Scott". When he said all this, I just wanted to die. I never knew he felt this way. I never knew he loved me this much. I pulled him into a deep kiss "I love you"
"I love you too baby" Adrian said. I jumped  on his lap and straddled him not breaking our chain of kisses "these guys are unstoppable" Lucas said walking in from the kitchen. I jumped off of the couch making me fall on my back "never knew you were a pussy" Lucas laughed at Adrian "shut your mouth" he said. Lucas walked upstairs. Adrian grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet "you ok?"
"Fine. Just broke my back"
"Here" Adrian said moving his fingertips down to my lower back. He started to massage my lower back "that feels so good" I moaned into his chest "I used to do this to my mother"
"Where is she?"
"Don't know. She left one day and never came back"
"I'm sorry"
"It doesn't matter. There how does you back feel now" he said pulling away "like nothing ever happened. Thanks" I said.

Asher and the boys took me to the mall, they all said that they would buy something for me because of what I've been through. I said no more than a hundred times but they didn't listen. So he I am now, in a mall with a bunch of GQ models walking on either side of me. I got stares, dirty looks, middle fingers, a lot of bad things that didn't involve speaking to understand. Our first stop was forever 21. Jonah bought me a pair of white high-waisted jeans and a blue tank top. We all walked to the cash and I saw the same girl there (the one that was trying to flirt with Adrian). I caught her checking out Adrian again "are we going to run into the same problem as last time?" I asked "I don't know" she said "because if we do, I will write a letter to the company and have you fired for checking out guys instead of doing your job. Do you want that?"
"Good, then keep your goddamn eyes off of my boyfriend" I said. The boys all gave me a high five "damn. That was hot" Adrian whispered into my ear. I blushed and Jonah grabbed my bag for me "let me carry it" I said "nope"
"Yes" I said reaching for the bag. He lifted up the bag over his head and dangled it, I jumped multiple times "I hate you" I said "love you too princess" he said "don't talk to her like that" Adrian said "why not man?" Jonah tested "I will blow you up"
"That hurt man, that hurt" Jonah said holding his heart as of he were wounded "yeah yeah" Adrian said laughing.
  All day was fun, I got a outfit from everybody. I kept telling them no, but they wouldn't listen "when we get home your modeling for me" Adrian whispered "maybe, we'll see" I joked "hey baby!" A male called from beside me "excuse me?" Asked the guys at the same time "oh shit!" The guy said and ran the opposite direction "I can't take you out anywhere" Adrian said "I could say the same for you".
Right now I was waiting in line with Lucas getting some pizza while the other boys were off getting some other food "I will take a-" I got cut off when I felt a squeeze on my ass. I yelped "what's wrong?" Lucas asked "no-" I got caught off when I felt someone run their fingers down my thighs "hey!" I yelled and came face to face with a disgusting looking man. He was like 30, "stop touching me!" I yelled "were you just touching my wife?" Adrian asked waking up to me out of no where. WIFE?! What?! Lucas walked up to the man "don't look at my sister like that again or I will slit your throat. SISTER?! What?! The man ran out of the line "sister?! WIFE?!" I asked looking between both boys "what? It worked" Adrian said "it did. And it was funny too! Did you see the look on that guys face?" Lucas said bursting into a pile of laughs. I couldn't help but start laughing with them "let's just eat" I said grabbing my slice of pizza.

When the boys and I got back from the mall we all collapsed on the couch and started watching TV. I walked into Adrian's bathroom-which was now cleaned-and splashed my face with water. I looked up into the mirror and saw Adrian standing behind me. I let out a scream "you scared the shit out of me" I said "did I?" He asked with a smirk "yes"
"I'm sorry. Do you want to be saved?"
"What?" I asked as Adrian started kissing my neck "do you want me to save you. You said that you were scared" Adrian smirked pulling at my shirt,
"I'm not having sex with you until I feel that I can trust you again"
"Not even make-up sex?"
"No. As much as I want to I can't. I need to know that you aren't lying to me"
"I said I was sorry" Adrian said taking his lips off of my neck "yeah well, sometimes sorry can't fix a broken heart" I said and walked out of the bathroom, Adrian grabbed my arm "I hurt you that much?"
"You have no idea. Think about it this way. Loosing something you loved with all your heart, that something tells you literally heartbreaking things, you go home and sob until your eyes are swollen shut and you don't even want to look at the world. Yeah, thats how badly you hurt me. I forgive you yes, but I don't fully trust you yet. Adrian I love you with all my heart, but I don't think you love me as much as I love you"
"But I do! Baby I love you so much! You have no idea how much I do! Do you know how hard it was for me to say those things to you? I was so close to breaking right in front of you"
"Yes! Why can't you believe that?"
"Because sometimes even lies sound the most believable".


Find out what happens next in chapter 15!

Hint for chapter 15: truth


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