Part 18

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Lizzy's POV:

I walked downstairs to see Adrian making breakfast "what are you making?" I asked wrapping my arms around his waist "bacon and eggs"
"That sounds appealing right now" I said resting my head against his back "you sound appealing right now" he smirked turning around. I looked up and saw that he had a bruise on his cheek "what happened?!" I asked "I walked into the door"
"Yeah right. Adrian what happened?"
"I walked into a door"
"Tell me! I know your lying"
"Fine. I got into an argument. Then not watching where I was going I walked into the door"
"Who were you arguing with?"
"My brother"
"Why do you always argue with Asher?" I asked "we just don't get along anymore. Ever since my dad died he acts like he owns me"
"He's just looking out for you. Try to be nice to him" I said "alright. Only because you told me to"
"Good!" I said. Adrian placed his lips onto mine softly "good morning beautiful" he said "good morning" I said pulling him back.

When we got to school I was blown by what I saw. Alex and Ashely...kissing. What?! Why?! How?! Adrian looked at me apologetically "it's fine. Let's just go inside" I said grabbing his hand "you know Elizabeth, Alex is amazing in bed" Ashely said from behind me "hold on a second" I said pretending to search my bag "oops! Looks like I can't find any fucks to give"
"Your just jealous that I actually had sex because I wanted to. You were-"
"I swear to god if you say one more word!" Adrian yelled "or what baby? You will kill me? Slap me? Ruin me? Remember I own this school"
"You own shit!" Adrian spat "I know more than you think Elizabeth. If you don't do as I say, everyone will know about your dirty secrets. You know, I think Adrian just feels bad for you. Now stay out of my way, loser" and with that she walked off. I was speechless, hurt, stunned. How could she know? Why does she hate me? I looked over at Adrian who was just as shocked as I was. His eyes were wide and his jaw dropped "I-" my voice cracked and my eyes started tearing. Adrian pulled me into a hug "I'm gonna kill her" I heard him mutter "shh..." He said soothingly, I pulled him closer to me, if it was even possible.
Just his scent alone calmed me down "if I told you to stay right here, would you listen?" He asked. I shook my head "can you just stay here for like a minute. I need to take care of something"
"No Adrian"
"Then stay far from me when I say so ok?"
"What are you planning?" I asked wiping my eyes "just do as I say. Ok beautiful?"
"Ok" I said. Adrian smiled and gave me a quick kiss before running over towards Alex. I followed him but kept my distance like he told me "how could you accept this?!" Adrian yelled at Alex who detached his lips from Ashely "accept what?"
"Your girlfriend wants to ruin Lizzy! What are you going to do?!"
"I don't know. Your her boy toy I'm not"
"Oh really?" Adrian asked "yes really. I never knew your girl was-"
"If you say one more word I won't hesitate to kill you" Adrian said stepping up to Alex "will you?" Alex tested
"Oh I will pretty boy"
"I'd like to see you try" Alex said stepping up to Adrian. He punched Alex right in the nose, then the jaw, then then the stomach. Alex was on the ground wheezing "your lucky I spared you" Adrian said walking back up to me "come on" he said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me back to his car. We hopped in and sat in silence.
It was until Adrian spoke that broke the ice "you know I love you right?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Do you love me?"
"Of course!"
"If I told you to do something you didn't want to do, would you do it?"
"It depends on what your asking me to do"
"Will you leave me?" Adrian asked. I looked at him "are-are you breaking up with me?" I asked with tears in my eyes "I'm asking you to break up with me"
"No! Adrian no!"
"You have to. Every time I'm with you something goes wrong"
"Nothing wrong will happen if I'm always with you"
"But you will get hurt!"
"I'm not leaving you! And your not leaving me!" I said with tears running down my cheeks "I don't want to see you get hurt" he said bringing his hands up to wipe away my tears "I won't get hurt when I'm with you. Please. Don't leave me" I begged "baby-"
"Please" my voice cracked "I-" I cut him off with a kiss. I hopped in his lap and kept on kissing him "ok" he whispered "you will stay?"
"Because I love you" he said returning to my lips. I ran my fingers through his hair "don't ever scare me like that again" I said pulling away "it's the right thing to do though"
"What's life without taking risks?"
"Ok smart ass. Now are we going to go inside or are we going home?"
"Home. I need to get away from this place" I said getting off of him.

When we got home we decided to bake brownies.
I looked down at the beautiful chocolate mix in my bowl "ready to put them in the oven?" Adrian asked "yup" I said pouring the mix into a square pan and putting it in the oven.
  I felt something being thrown at my back "hey!" I yelled turning around. Adrian had a carton of eggs in his hand "some thing wrong baby?" He asked smirking "it's on" I said grabbing flour and throwing it at him "really?" He asked laughing "fine" I said grabbing my glass of orange juice and spilling it on him "ha!" I said "oh really?" He smirked grabbing the eggs once again. He threw them at me one by one "ok! Ok! You win! Stop!" I yelled laughing "I knew I would win" he said walking up to me "go away" I said laughing. I ran upstairs into my bathroom and locked the door.
  I was washing my hair when I heard something "let me help you" Adrian whispered into my ear. I let out a scream and turned around "you scared me!" I said "I know" he laughed "get out"
"You didn't seem to have a problem last time" he said wrapping his arms around my waist "only because I wasn't mad at you" I said "and your mad at me?"
"Will this change your mind?" He asked bringing his lips to mine "no" I pulled away "what about this?" He smirked kneading my breast "n-no" I said "oh really?" He asked bringing his lips to mine once again. He pushed me to him "Adrian" I moaned as he sucked on my neck. I wrapped my leg around his waist "please" I moaned as he rubbed against me "please what?" He smirked
"please fuck me" I moaned "only because you asked nicely" he said plunging into me.

  I walked into the kitchen to see Adrian cooking "what is my man cooking for me?" I asked walking up to him "I am making the Italian Mac and Cheese I promised last week"
"I can't wait. Oh how did the brownies come out?"
"They are great" he said handing me one. I sunk me teeth into the chocolaty goodness and moaned at the amazing flavour "good?" He asked smirking "fucking amazing" I said taking another bite. I walked up to him and gave him a kiss "you taste like chocolate" he said "I know" I said returning to his lips. He lifted me up on the counter and I wrapped my legs around his waist "I love you" I said "I love you too baby" Adrian said returning to my lips.


Find out what happens next in chapter 19!

Hint for chapter 19: surprise


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