Part 17

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Lizzy's POV:

I was sitting on Adrian's lap watching a movie, he was drawing circles on my shoulder "I'm going to dye my hair" I said "why?"
"Because if I do the guys won't be able to find me"
"Either way, if they see me hanging out with you they will still be after you. You don't understand, these guys take what ever I have, they took my dad, they want to take you, they want to take me and my friends, they want everything"
"But they won't get what you have"
"They will, and if they take you I will go literally insane, they take what and who ever I love"
"They won't take me"
"They will try"
"But they won't get me, baby relax ok?"
"It's hard thinking that every time I go out with you or by myself I or you will get shot in the back of the head. It's fucking scary"
"I don't think they will do that, they want to make you suffer, and to do that you have to stay alive" I said cupping his face "they will get someone, I know they will"
"If they do, I know you will kill them and make them suffer, babe you are literally invincible"
"Thanks, but it's not true. You don't understand Lizzy, and I don't want you to, I don't want you to know what I go through because it will hurt you, and I don't want you to  get hurt, I don't ever want you to get hurt"
"I will try not to get hurt, I have you and the boys, trust me I love every single one of you and I put my trust in you"
"Did you say you loved them?"
"Well what about me?!" Adrian asked getting up, I giggled "I love you in a different way. I love them like family, I love you passionately, unconditionally and sexually"
"I like the sound of that" he smirked "I bet you do" I said standing up and putting my arms around his waist "oh I really, really do" he whispered into my lips "me too" I said locking his lips in mine. Our tongues danced with each other, each touch sent sparks and electricity through me. We began giving each other open-mouthed kisses, Adrian lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist, I ran my fingers through his hair "let's go upstairs" he whispered. I jumped off of him and grabbed his hand pulling him up to my room.
Adrian pushed me up against my bedroom wall slowly grinding against me, I took off my shirt and bra "your so beautiful" he whispered into my neck, which he as now sucking on. I moaned unzipping his pants, I rubbed him through his pants "get on the bed baby" Adrian said pulling away from me. I laid down on the bed taking off the remainder of my clothes, Adrian did the same. He got onto me and intertwined our fingers, he started to move inside of me.

I ran into the kitchen "Adrian!" I yelled wrapping my arms around him "what?! What's wrong?!"
"Nothing! I got accepted!"
"I got accepted into Virginia State!"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes! Oh my god, all my work paid off"
"I-" Adrian got cut off by his phone "hello...what...are you serious?!...that's great!...bye"
"What?" I asked "I got accepted too! The boys all got accepted as well"
"We're all going to be together!" I said. I was so happy right now words can't even explain. I grabbed my phone and called my dad and mom.

I sat on the couch watching a movie when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and Jonah stood there with the boys "let's celebrate" he said "for what?"
"Getting accepted!"
"Let's do this" I said. The boys walked in with alcohol and everything. Adrian walked down stairs "woah. Why is everyone here?"
"We are celebrating" Lucas said opening a can of beer and chugging it.

I woke up with a massive headache. Ugh! Hangovers suck! I got up and walked into my bathroom and took 2 Advil's "my head hurts" Adrian groaned walking into my room "yeah I know" I said walking pit of the bathroom "my head" Jonah groaned walking into my room along with Mark and Lucas complaining "here" I said tossing them my Advil container. Everyone popped 2 pills into their mouth.

My headache lasted around 4 hours like everyone else's and then faded "we have to go Lizzy. It's 2:30pm" Lucas said "oh ok" I said getting up and giving everyone a hug.
The boys left and Adrian stayed behind "now I get you alone" he said pushing his lips to mine "Adrian?" I asked pushing him away "yeah?"
"Do you promise to stay with me when we get to Virginia?"
"Yes! Always! Why?"
"It's just-never mind"
"I will never leave you"
"That's what Cameron said" I mumbled "are you really comparing me to that jerk?! Are you kidding me?!"
"No! Adrian n-"
"Do you honestly think I would try and kill you?! What the hell Lizzy!" He yelled "no! Adrian that's not what I meant"
"Well it sure as hell sounded like it to me" he said grabbing his jacket and walking out the door. I ran after him a caught his arm "I'm sorry" I said pulling him into a hug "why would you compare me to him? Yes I've killed people, but it wasn't because I wanted to"
"I'm sorry Adrian. I wasn't thinking"
"Sorry for jumping down your throat" he said apologetically "it's ok-"
"Hey!" A squeaky voice yelled. I looked behind Adrian and saw Ashely walking over to us "Jesus Christ" I said "don't worry babe-"
"Hey you sexy beast" she purred at Adrian "sup Ashely"
"I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place tonight. If you know what I mean" she winked. I want to kill her "no I'm good. I have better plans with my girlfriend"
"She is taking you away from me!"
"But Ashely, you never had me" he said slinging an arm around my waist and turning on his heel walking back into my house leaving Ashely fuming. I sunk on the couch "that was funny" I said "did you see her face?" He laughed "it was so red" I said.

We were laying on my bed watching a movie "I'm going to get some water" Adrian said removing his arm from around me "ok, hurry up though" I said adjusting my computer on my lap. About 1 minute later I heard yelling. I walked down stairs and saw Adrian arguing with Alex "leave her alone! She doesn't like you!" Adrian yelled "and she likes you?! Yeah right!"
"Your just jealous because she loves me!"
"I will kill you" Alex said through gritted teeth "yeah ok! Remember who has the gun"
"Think again" Alex said pulling out a gun. I ran down the stairs "what are you doing?!" I yelled at Alex jumping in front of Adrian "just showing your asshole that I have a gun"
"Put it away!"
"Why? He has one too"
"If you lay one finger on Adrian, Alex I won't hesitate to call the cops"
"Lizzy your protecting an asshole"
"No! I'm protecting someone I love! Leave! Now! Why did I ever become friends with you?" I asked with tears in my eyes "Lizzy? I'm sorry"
"Leave!" I yelled "Liz-"
"Get the fuck out of my sight!" Adrian yelled. Alex nodded his head and walked away. I slammed the door and put my forehead against it with tears streaming down my face "hey. Come here" Adrian said pulling me into a hug. I pushed him away "I need some space" I said. My trachea felt like it was collapsing and I started hyperventilating "get my pills" I said sinking to the ground. He sprinted into the bathroom and grabbed me a pill. I shoved it in my mouth and held my head in my hands. My breathing wouldn't slow down "Lizzy relax" Adrian said kneeling beside me, he took me in his arms once again and cradled me "shh...relax, it will be ok. I'm here" he said kissing the crown of my head. This is why I love Adrian so much.
He's always there when I need him.
He always makes me feel special.
He always tells me how much he loves me.
I've got it really bad for the bad boy.


Find out what happens next in chapter 18!

Hint for chapter 18: anger, scared


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