Part 11 (2)

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Lizzy's POV:

When we got in the drive way I saw a police car in our drive way. Adrian and I jumped out of the car and ran inside. My house was completely trashed "hey you guys! What are you doing in here?!" The cop yelled at us "I live here" I said "are you the daughter of the Scott family?"
"Yes. Can you please tell me what is going on"
"Well it looks like someone broke into your house"
"Why?" Adrian asked "we don't know. But we do know who did it"
"Who?" I asked "Do you know anyone named Cameron Whetherwood?". I looked at Adrian and he grabbed my hand "officer can you take a seat? We have a lot tell you" Adrian said. We told the officer everything. From when Cameron and I were dating to now, "well when I catch that boy I will take him to the station"
"Thank you officer" I said feeling relieved.

It took us 7-8 to clean up the house but we managed. Adrian didn't take any breaks but I took lots. Right now we were sitting on my bed close to passing out "" I said "me.too" Adrain said tiredly "I'm so glad that we-" I started, but something caught my eye on my chair. I walked over to it and found a letter "what is it?" Adrian asked "it's a letter?"
"Let me see" he said walking over to me. I handed him the letter and he ripped it open. I saw his gaze harden and his knuckles turn white from the grip he had on the paper "what does it say?" I asked. Adrian handed me the paper, it read:

Sorry I made a mess. I was looking for your brother, but I couldn't find him. Maybe next time, when I find him, I can cut him. Just not his cheek this time. Watch out Elizabeth. And tell your little boyfriend to watch out too. You don't know what I'm capable of, if you know what I mean.

Tears started to form in my eyes. He will hurt me brother! He will hurt Adrian! He will kill me! I couldn't stop freaking out. Adrian pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but break down in his arms "h-he's going t-to h-hurt you!" I sobbed "h-he's going to k-kill me and m-my brother"
" nothing will happen. He won't get his hands on anybody"
"Yes he will" I cried "no he won't. I will make sure of it. Shh..." He said soothingly. I started to calm down "I love you Lizzy and I won't let anything happen" he said giving my forehead a kiss "I love you too" I said looking up at him. I stared into his beautiful grey eyes. He makes me so happy. I lifted my lips up to his. We melted into each other's kisses. I could never get enough of this. Of him.

I woke up to the sound of the shower running. Adrian must be taking a shower. I walked into the bathroom and I was right, he was taking a shower. I walked back into my bedroom and got changed for school. I heard the water turn off and Adrian walk into the room. I turned around and saw him with a towel wrapped around his waist. I saw his abs and tripped over my pants "shit" I said holding my ass, which I completely fell on "your so weird" he laughed  and walked over to me. He extended his hand and pulled me up. And guess what happened. Yup. His towel fell off "well that's great" he said standing there "eh whatever" he said picking up the towel and swinging it over his shoulder.

The car ride was not quiet. I was singing to every song on the radio, and surprisingly, Adrian was too. Damn I love him.
When we got out of the car Ashley ran up to Adrian and pushed her lips onto his. Adrian pushed her off and I ran up to her and slapped her in the face "you fucking whore!" I screamed kicking her in the stomach, making her fall to the ground "see this?!" I asked pointing to Adrian "this is mine!" I yelled pulling Adrian's hand and walking into the school. I pushed the doors open "woah. Calm down" Adrian said dropping my hand "how? How can I when everyone wants to get in your pants?" I stopped my self and calmed down "I'm sorry. Ashely just wound me up" I said pulling Adrian into a hug "it just hurts" I said. Adrian wrapped his arms around me "I hear you baby. Remember. I'm yours. Only yours"
"You bitch!" Yelled Ashley from behind us "fuck off you slut!" Adrian said getting out of my arms to face Ashley "but baby..." She said walking up to him and touching the front of his jeans "get your hands off of me!" He yelled and pushed her back "I make you hard. I remember that night last year. Oh how we screamed" she said. I felt tears form in my eyes "fuck you! I just needed some whore to take my mind off of things"
"And the way we grinded. Oh baby" she said. I ran down the hall with tears streaming down my face "Lizzy!" Adrian yelled chasing me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the supply room behind a few shelves to the very back. Adrian pulled me into a hug "you were never meant to hear that baby"
"I hate her!" I screamed into his chest "me too baby, me too". I pushed my lips up to Adrian's and pushed him against the wall. I put my hand down his pants and started to rub him through his boxers "oh god" he moaned tilting his head back. I got down on my knees and pulled down his pants. I looked up at him and smirked. I saw his erect penis and blushed. I pulled down his boxers and took him in my mouth "fuck" he moaned moving his hips back and forth. His penis went right down my throat making me gag but I continued just for his pleasure, "oh shit" he moaned as I sucked harder. I bobbed my head up and down. Adrian grabbed my head and pushed my head down. I could tell he was slowly reaching his climax. I gently glided my teeth down his shaft. He flinched but then relaxed into my mouth.
When we were done Adrian slipped up his jeans and gave me a kiss "so you forgive me?" He asked "I was never angry at you"
"Can I just say that that was the best blowjob I've ever had"
"Really? Well I can treat you to more later" I said giving him a kiss.

We walked out of the room and there was a teacher standing there "what were you two doing in there?" He asked "we were getting some Bristol board for Mrs.Swalls" I said "then how come it's not in your hand?"
"She told us she didn't need it anymore. We were just on our way out" I said pulling Adrian's hand. We ran down the hall into the cafeteria. It was already lunch time? Oh well. I looked at Adrian and we both started laughing "oh god! That was close" he said laughing "imagine if he heard?" I laughed "what's so funny?" Lucas asked "nothing" we both said "I've never seen Adrian laugh so it must be something"
"It's nothing dude. Let's eat" Adrian said pushing Lucas to the table. He turned around and winked at me, I blushed and followed them to the table.
Lunch was fun, as always. Adrian and I kept exchanging amused looks from the incident in the supply room.

When we got home I started feeling sick. I was in my room when I felt the urge to throw up. I ran into the bathroom and let everything spill "you ok?" Adrian asked rubbing my back as I was leaning over the toilet. I shook my head motioning that I felt really sick.
When I was finished I brushed my teeth and washed my face making me all clean again "can you get me some Advil Adrian?" I asked. He ran downstairs and brought up 2 pills.
I flopped down onto my bed and curled into Adrian's side "are you feeling better?" He asked rubbing circles on my arm "yeah, a bit. My head just hurts"
"Ok. Just rest baby. We'll stay home from school tomorrow"
"Ok" I said giving him a soft kiss.


Why was Lizzy so sick?
Is she pregnant?
Find out in chapter 12!

Hint for chapter 12: surprise


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