Part 12

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Lizzy's POV:

I woke up feeling like I was going to be sick again. I ran to the bathroom and let everything spill, not knowing that Adrian was in there brushing his teeth "again?" He asked spitting into the sink. I nodded my head and flushed the toilet. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, putting on some makeup after.
When I went into the kitchen Adrian was eating cereal. I made oatmeal and sat down "Lizzy?" Adrian asked. His voice was shaky "yeah?"
"Do you-do you think you could possibly be-be pregnant?" I froze. Could I? No! It's impossible. I was on birth control, "it's impossible. I'm on the pill"
"Sometimes it doesn't always work", fuck me, "oh shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit" I said putting my head down on the table "relax"
"No you fucking relax" I was moody "I'm sorry" I said.
When we were done eating we say on the couch and watched a movie "I'm going to go get some pregnancy tests" I said "now?" Adrian asked "yeah"
"I'm coming with you" he said putting on his jacket.

When we got home I ran up to the bathroom with 3 pregnancy tests in my hand. Adrian followed me and waited outside of the door. I took all three and guess what was wrong with me? Yup. I was sick. Not pregnant. Just sick. I let out a sigh of relief and threw the tests out. Adrian knocked on the door "come in" I said "so?" He asked nervously "I'm not pregnant" I said jumping into his arms "are you serious?" He asked "yes" I said "that's fucking great baby" he said wrapping his arms around me. I could tell he was happy. I mean why wouldn't he be? We are way to young to have a baby and they put a lot on your shoulders at this age. I looked up at Adrian and he smiled down at me "give me a kiss" he said, I pushed my lips up to his and kissed him. I heard my front door open and close and I pulled away from Adrian's lips "stay behind me" he said sternly and protectively. He pulled his gun out of his back pocket and held it at his side. We silently tiptoed down the stairs. There was someone in our kitchen. It was my dad. Adrian put his gun back in his pocket fast and quietly "dad what are you doing home so early?" I asked "God damn!" He jumped "you scared the living shit out of me!" He yelled turning around "sorry" I said walking out from behind Adrian "what's he still doing here?" My dad asked pointing to Adrian "umm. I asked Adrian to come over. I was feeling sick"
"I want him out of my house" my dad said "why?!" I asked stepping in front of Adrian "because he sells drugs" my dad said "what?! Who told you that?!" I asked clearly freaking out "your mother"
"Oh my fucking God. She hates Adrian! That's why she told you that!"
"Why?" My dad asked "because she saw us kissing upstairs" I said feeling my cheeks get hot. This is NOT the type of conversation I want to have with my dad, "then why does she hate him?"
"I don't know! She called me a whore. And she called Adrian a bastard. Dad I don't know why she hates him so much. Doesn't she want me to be happy?"
"Of course she does honey. It's just that she's looking out for you that's all"
"She's not doing a very good job. Mothers are not supposed to act like that when there child brings home someone they love"
"I know"
"Can you please talk to her dad?" I asked with tears in my eyes "of course. Now go upstairs while I talk to your mother"
"Ok" I said pulling Adrian upstairs with me. I closed the door to my room and sunk to the ground "why would she fucking say that?" I whispered to myself "are you ok babe?" Adrian asked kneeling down beside me "I should be asking you that"
"Me? I'm fine. Trust me. That is 10 times below mild compared to what I've been through"
"Yup. Now come on. Get onto the bed" Adrian said helping me to my feet. I laid down on the bed and Adrian crawled on top of me "not now" I whispered "don't worry. I'm only going to kiss you" Adrian said bringing his lips to mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist and started to grind against him "don't make me get a boner right now. What if your dad walks in?" Adrian said clearly trying not to get a boner "sorry" I giggled and unwrapped my legs from around his waist. I brought my lips back to Adrian's, "well your mother-oh sorry" my dad opened the door. I pushed Adrian off of me "shit dad!" I yelled as my heart started pounding out of my chest. I looked over at Adrian and saw a tower in his pants and threw a pillow at his crotch before my dad noticed "what was that for?" He asked, I nodded my head at him and he threw the pillow back on, "well your mother said that she was sorry about everything. She was just so shocked to see her 'baby' grow up, as she put it. Well I will just get going. Bye kids" my dad said shutting the door and running down stairs. I looked over at Adrian "and I still got a boner. What the fuck is this? See baby? This is what you do to me" he said still holding the pillow there. I blushed and looked away "are you blushing?" He asked. I could feel his smirk burning through the back of my head. Adrian rolled over on top of me and threw the pillow on the ground "want to take a shower?" He asked smirking "I'd love to" I said walking into the bathroom.
When we were done we dried off and headed to the mall. I saw a pair of running shoes at Vans and I wanted to get them.
  When we got to the store I tried on a pair of white and black running shoes "how are these?" I asked "I like the all black ones better" he said pointing to the ones beside me "ok can you go ask for a size 7 1/2 please?". I ended up buying the all black shoes. They looked nice. My phone started to ring:

Me: hello
Alex: hey
Me: Alex? How did you get my number?
Alex: I have my sources
Me: should I be creeped out?
Alex: no. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime
Me: Alex. I have a boyfriend
Alex: I know, it's just as friends
Me: I don't think Adrian will like it
Alex: so your on a leash now?
Me: Alex it's not like that
Alex: well it seems like that to me. I don't want to sound like an ass but Adrian is an asshole to tell you what and what not to do
Me: Alex. I make my own decisions. Yes Adrian helps me choose but he won't tell me what to do
Alex: well it's seems like you can't talk to anyone
Me: I can. I'm just careful. Adrian knows that. Why do you have such a problem with him?
Alex: because I know he will break you in the end
Me: he's not like that
Alex: he is, you just don't know it
Me: Alex stop talking about him like that please. He is right beside me
Alex: even better
Me: what has gotten into you. You are not the man I met on the first day of school. I want him back. Who are you?
Alex: I'm the same person, just more caring
Me: you sound more like a dick to me. Alex please. I know your jealous. Just stop looking out for me. I appreciate it. Really I do, it's just making us fight a lot and I don't want that. Please just be that same person I met on my first day
Alex: fine. But don't come crying to me when your heart shatters

And with that he hung up. I looked over at Adrian and he was completely silent. He wasn't looking at me, just ahead "Adrian?"
"Are you ok?"
"Aside from the fact that your little boyfriend loves you, yeah I'm just dandy"
"Woah. I don't like him. I love you"
"Adrian are you saying that I'm lying?"
"No. You know what lets just leave. I need some time alone"
"I just do ok"
"O-ok" I said.

I stayed upstairs and Adrian stayed downstairs . My phone started ringing again:

Me: hello?
Alex: hi
Me: Alex leave me alone right now
Alex: did he break you heart already?
Me: would you stop saying that! I love him! Can't you accept that?!
Alex: you love him?
Me: yes! I love him! And he loves me!
Alex: yeah right
Me: stop! Just stop! Do you know how your making me feel right now?
Alex: like your better off with me?
Me: the opposite! Your making me hate you!
Alex: is it because of lover boy?
Me: he's not even talking to me because of you!
Alex: and you fucked?
Me: Adrian and I?
Alex: yup
Me: that is none of your business
Alex: well I told you he fucks them and throws them away
Me: shut up!
Alex: are you crying
Me: why do you care?
Alex: because I like you
Me: well try not to! Alex I don't feel the same way! I love- (Adrain stormed into my room and grabbed the phone out of my hand)
Adrian: listen here buddy! If I see you looking or even talking to my girlfriend again, I will kill you. She doesn't even like you. Are you really that desperate?
Alex: at least I don't lie to beautiful, kind-hearted girls!
Adrian: I am not lying to her!
Alex: yup! Ok! What ever you say buddy
Adrian: I swear to god I will find your house and blow your head off! I will fucking kill you!
Alex: good luck

Adrian hung up and looked at me. I threw my arms around him and he did the same "I'm sorry Lizzy"
"It's ok. I know your just angry"
"Thank you"
"Don't worry about it"
"I mean it. Thank you"
"Baby don't worry about it. Really"
"I want to kill that kid"
"I know"
"I'm not fighting because I want to. I'm fighting for us"
"Ok" I said.


Was Alex joking?
Will Lizzy's and Adrian's relationship carry out?
Find out in chapter 13!

Hint for chapter 13: fights


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