Part 16

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Lizzy's POV:

"I swear to god I wish I never met you sometimes Mark" I said as he snatched my burger from my hand "love you too honey bun"
"Did you actually just call me that?" I asked laughing "yeah. Anything wrong honey bun"
"Stop calling me that!" I said trying to stop laughing "only because I always eat your food"
"Thank you" I said. I was currently sitting beside Mark and Adrian, Adrian had his arm wrapped around my shoulder making me curl next to his body "you guys are inseparable" Jonah said amazed "I guess you could say that" I said turning to look at Adrian, he looked back at me and gave me a kiss "awh God! Why did I open my mouth?" Jonah said "maybe because you have nothing better to do" Lucas said "I will cut you Lucas"
"I'm so scared", Jonah took the lid off of his water bottle "I will pour this all over you" Adrian pulled away from my lips "guys that's enough"
"You got lucky this time Lucas" Jonah glared. I saw Ashely come up to Mark and sit on his lap "ew, get off of me" he said pushing her off of his lap making her fall on her fake ass, I couldn't help but laugh and give Mark a high-five. Ashely got up and walked over to Adrian "want to repeat what happened in the supply room?" She purred "no thanks"
"Oh come on baby"
"Nah I'm good. I have my beautiful girlfriend right here" he said pushing his lips to mine "fine but next time you want a blowjob don't come to me" she said and stormed off. I pulled away from Adrian, I couldn't help but feel jealous, and slightly betrayed "you ok babe?" Adrian asked putting his hand on my back "oh just fine, other than the fact that I just found out that the worlds biggest slut gave my boyfriend a blowjob, aside from that, I'm as happy as can be right 'babe' ?"
"I told you the story. Stop just getting all angry when you know why"
"I try to but I hear something new every damn day. You know, I'm starting to think that we should just end this"
"Are you serious"
"Yeah...Adrian, I love you, but it really really hurts like a son of a bitch to hear what you did behind my back, even though you were hurting"
"Don't do this" he said "Adrian..."
"Don't do this" I felt his grip on my hand tighten, I saw his eyes getting red with sadness "see? Look at the pain we cause each other"
"It's because we care, we care so much" he said weakly. I just wanted to hold him "Elizabeth, I love you, don't, please don't leave me" he pleaded. I couldn't leave him. It was actually impossible. I would just have to work with the pain, and so would he, "ok" I said pulling him into a hug "I won't leave you" I said. I kissed his cheek "I can't leave you" I whispered into his ear "let's go outside" Adrian said pulling me out of the cafeteria.
When we got to Adrian's car he pushed me up against it and kissed me roughly "I love you Elizabeth Scott"
"I love you Adrian Michaels", Adrain slid his hand up my top and underneath my bra, he started to knead my left breast, I moaned and tilted my head back. He started sucking on my neck leaving hickeys all over my neck. Yes we were outside, but no we couldn't be seen, we had a massive SUV blocking us "let's get in the car" I breathed "good idea" he said giving me one last kiss. We jumped into the back seat and started stripping.

Right now I'm laying down naked on top of a naked Adrian "I'm exhausted" I yawned "me too" he said giving me forehead a kiss. I started running my fingers up and down Adrian's defined abs "I told my mom I would never see you again" I blurted "you what?!"
"Yeah. Don't worry. I know what to tell her when I bring you home tonight"
"And what's that?"
"That your parents recently got a divorce and you were stressed and didn't mean to take it out on me and that you just needed some space"
"Damn your good at coming up with lies"
"Thank you" I said. My phone started to ring, I threw it at the ground making it go on silent.

I woke up in Adrian's car fully clothed "what happened?" I asked tired and confused "we fell asleep. I got dressed and dressed you, now we are going to your place"
"Thank you" I said blushing.

I when we got to my house Adrian parked the car, I could tell he was a tiny buy nervous "everything will be ok" I said "I know I just-nevermind"
"Ok, let's go" I said jumping out of the car. We walked up to my front door holding hands "it will be fine" i reassured, I opened the door and my mother was there "what the hell!" She yelled at me "what do you mean?" I asked why are you coming home now? It's 5:30 pm!"
"I'm sorry I was studying with Adrian, I have a big test coming up"
"That's another thing! Why are you hanging out with him?!"
"Because I know why he said those things to me. Now can we come inside?"
"Yeah. We need to talk. Only you are coming inside though"
"Why?!" I asked "because I don't want him in my house!"
"Why do you hate him so much?!"
"Because he is a bad boy! You are a good girl! He just wants you for your body!"
"That is completely wrong Mrs. Scott"
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes! I don't want your daughter for her body. I-" my mom slapped Adrian "are you crazy?!" I screamed at my mother. I looked up at Adrian and his cheek was red "why can't you just accept my decisions for once?" I asked my mother weakly, tears started to well up in my eyes "because you always make bad ones"
"If I always make bad ones then how come I'm in love with him?"
"Your in love with him?"
"Yes. Mom please I'm tired of arguing with you. Just please accept it. Why is that so hard?"
"Because last time this happened you almost died"
"I know but mom you have to understand that Cameron wasn't a bad boy, he was a good boy that was scared of his own shit. When he tried to kill me I saw who he really was"
"And what happens when you see Adrian's true colours?"
"I know them, and if I don't, it's a risk I'm going to take. Mom I love Adrian, please accept it. Worry about yourself for once, I can't learn from mistakes of you always choose them for me"
"Ok. If you end up being hurt or heart broken don't come to me. Now get your asses inside".

My mom started to respect Adrian, they talked, laughed, and had fun. I was happy to see it.
At this time I was in my room playing charades with Adrian "tower!" Adrian shook his head. He was standing with his arms above his head in a straight line "tree!"
"Yup!" He got up and sat beside me. I leaned over and gave him a kiss, my phone started buzzing:

Me: hey dad
Dad: hey honey what's up?
Me: nothing special, just playing charades with Adrian
Dad: ok. Well I will be home soon ok. In about 2 hours
Me: ok dad
Dad: bye honey
Me: bye dad

"I need food" I said holding my stomach "let me make you something. Or do you want to go out?"
"Make me something" I said "ok, how does Mac and Cheese sound?"
"Yes! It's sounds great"
"I'm making it Italian style though. So there will be lots of cheese"
"I love you" I said giving him another kiss "are you sure?"
"Good. Now get up so I can make you something"
"Ok. My mom left, I heard the door close"
"Ok let's go" Adrian said pulling me downstairs.
When we got into the kitchen I found my mom sitting in the kitchen talking to a police officer, I felt Adrian tense up and wrap his arm around my waist tightly "hi honey" my mom said, the officer turned to look at me, his eyes landed on Adrian and his eyes grew. Why was the cop shocked by Adrian? "Hello Elizabeth, hello Adrian" when he said Adrian's name I felt a shiver go down my spine, it was full of venom "good evening officer. How may we help you?" Adrian asked smirking at the officer "well we brought down Cameron to the station and he's locked up. He won't be bothering you for a long time"
"Thank you officer. Thank you so much" I said gratefully "Adrian may I speak to you alone for a moment?" Asked the officer "if you want" he said. Adrian and the officer walked into the living room and closed the door, I put my ear up against it "what do you want?" Adrian asked "to ask you why the hell your dating?! She can get killed!"
"Do you not think I fucking know that?! She's already in too much danger, I can't risk her being alone!"
"Didn't think you cared considering how many times people have died because of you"
"They were different! I didn't love them!"
"And you love her?"
"Your are such an idiot! I've covered for you! And you go and fall in love like you don't have fucking killers on your back!"
"You know what?! I fell in love out of the blue! I didn't know I would fall in love with Lizzy! You know me! You know I wouldn't fall in love! I just cant help it, she's so fucking important to me"
"Then let me help you protect her"
"Yeah right"
"No seriously, I will have the boys help me"
"Do you want to get her killed"
"No. She dies I will go fucking mental"
"Then let us help you"
"Fine. But if she dies because of you, I won't hesitate to kill you"
"Are you threatening me?"
"No, I'm warning you. You know me Doug, you know that I will kill who ever fucks with people I love"
"Yeah I know. I have your number and set something up, now let's get back out side and act like nothing happened". Woah! What the fuck? But boy, Adrian really knows how to make a girl feel special! So now I'm being protected by cops? Wow, ok. I ran away from the door and Adrian walked out "your such a snoop" he whispered into my ear "well officer it was great talking to you, now Lizzy and I have somethings to talk about" Adrian said grabbing my hand.
Adrian walked upstairs with me. We got into my room and he closed the door "well do you agree with what Doug-the officer-decided?"
"Yeah. I think it's smart"
"You do?"
"That's great. Now I have maximum protection for my baby girl" Adrian said wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him and brought my lips up to his. Why did he want me? He could have anyone he wants. He could have Ashley, pretty girls, but he chose me. Why? I pulled away from Adrian and looked down "what's wrong?" He asked concerned "why? Why did you choose me?"
"Because your different, your not like most girls that would die at my feet", if he only knew, "ok" I said "why?"
"No reason"
"Lizzy tell me"
"It's just that I'm not pretty or nice like all the other girls, like look at Ashely. She's beautiful and probably will treat you better, she's not weak like me, she doesn't have problems like me, she doesn't break down like me. She's nothing like me"
"That's why I don't like her, she's nothing like you. I've never met anyone like you. Lizzy don't bring yourself down like that, it's not good for you mentally"
"Adrian why are you with me?"
"Because I love you"
"Do you?"
"Yes I do! Baby I love you"
"Thank god" Adrian said hugging me again "I thought you were going to break up with me"
"I can't break up with you. I love and care about you too much" I said, and it's true. I love him too much to let him go.


Find out what will happen next in chapter 17!

Hint for chapter 17: humiliation


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