Will You Stay Away Forever? 10

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Chloe entered the airport, and her guts churned. Ever since her breakup with Brian, airports made Chloe want to vomit. It was pretty hard not to notice the four, badass guys and their three, smoking hot girlfriends standing in the middle of the terminal.

Chlo! You made it!!!!” Lilly said happily when she saw Chloe approach them.

“Yeah…the cab driver was a complete tool…” She rolled her eyes.

“Cab driver? Hey what’s that?” Jade gasped curiously, pointing to Chloe’s suitcases.                   

“My luggage.” Chloe grinned like a maniac, “I’m going too!” She said happily.

Matt looked puzzled, “To Venice?” He asked Chloe, referring to Jade and his Italian honeymoon.

“No, silly!” Chloe flicked his arm, “To Orange!”

Brian face lit up like a kid’s on Christmas Day, “For real?” Zack asked, already smirking like a smart-ass.

“Yea!” Chloe mimicked Zack’s tone, already used to his teasing.

“Aww Chlo, it’s great news!” Lilly clung to Chloe’s side, “We sure missed you!”

“We’ll be back in a couple of weeks…Gotta finish “Nightmare!” Matt claimed.

“It’s their new album…” Jewel whispered in Chloe’s ear.

“Alright, so you kids have fun! We gotta catch out flight now!!!” Jade said sadly while hugging everyone tighter than ever.

“Enjoy your Gondola!” Chloe called after her cousin.

“Sit with me?” Brian smiled shyly as he pointed at the two vacant window seats.

Chloe couldn’t help but return the smile, “Sure.” She nodded and Brian took her luggage, placing it in the special compartment.

Chloe slid into the space between the rows of seats and sat by the window. She buckled up her seatbelt, just like the flight attendant ordered everyone to.

“Well aren’t you adventurous?” Brian smirked in response to Chloe’s bubbly attitude. He then heavily flopped onto the seat beside hers, sighing heavily as he leant back.

“I love flying!” She grinned, ready to take off. Chloe heart Brian huff and turned her face to look at his profile.

“Aww where did your double chin go?” She pouted jokingly, tugging on Brian’s goatee.

What?! I never had a double chin!” Brian gasped, self consciously caressing the top of his neck.

“Right…” Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Hey don’t evade me!” Brian rested his side against the back of the seat, so he was facing Chloe completely, “Since when does Synyster Gates have a double chin?! Just feel up these babies!” Brian yanked his arm out of the jacket and flexed his biceps.

“Since about the same time he has a piggy nose, short legs and skimpy ankles…” Chloe hummed slyly, pushing his arm away.

Brian gasped, “You always aim to the heart! Take it back, like, fucking immediately!” He called, wrapping his strong arms around Chloe’s shoulders in order to surrender her.

Chloe giggled when he grazed his teeth along her jaw line, making her fight for freedom, “Sorry Gates, everyone’s flawed…” She didn’t give in.

“Well I happen to think you’re fucking prefect.” He said lowly in her ear and Chloe shivered, she had almost forgotten how much fun being around Brian was.

Chloe relaxed in his arms and faced Brian, reaching for his cheek with her delicate hand, “Oh but you have fucking, overgrown baby hands!” Brian caressed her wrist.

I’m sorry.” Chloe whispered sincerely, letting herself get lost in his dark brown eyes. They both knew that she wasn’t talking about the teasing. She meant something deeper, much deeper.

Brian’s sly smirk turned into a meaningful, weak smile. “Forget it.” Brian shook his head, trying to go easy on her. But the matter was that she couldn’t do all of that with him without having discussed the past.

“I can’t forget it Brian!” She sighed, “This guilt had been burning up inside of for way too long!” Chloe confessed.

Brian remained silent for a long couple of minutes, “Alright, let’s talk about it.” He said gently yet very seriously.

“Here? On the plane?” Chloe looked around uneasily.

“We have to spend those 10 hours somehow, right?” Brian grinned goofily. Chloe loved how he could lighten her mood up.

She didn’t know where to start but frankly, there was no need to because all the truths and hesitations just gushed out of her, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for leaving you like that. I wish I could take it all back, I really do! I just turned my back on you, I cut everyone off!” She panicked, almost having a monologue with herself and Brian simply listened.

“I was stupid and selfish! I just grew so fucking attached to you Brian, that I wanted you to be around all the time! And that’s why tour was so hard on me…barely having you alone and all the hate from mean fans…I just cracked under pressure!” Chloe said it all in one breath.

“But you were so, so good to me. You always treated me with respect and care and…I just didn’t give a fuck. I regret it, I really do. I only realized it when I finally saw you after all these years…” She sighed.

Brian nodded slowly, as if he was processing what Chloe had just said, “Chloe, I understand that my lifestyle is hard to fit into. To me, it’s just a matter of having a crazy job…But I would have given anything to make you stay with me. You know it, I told you so.” He said to her.

Chloe shut her eyes, remembering Brian telling her he would leave the band to be with her.

“There’s nothing I’d like more than to have another chance with you, I want you in my life…I need you to be with me.” Brian whispered in her ear, making cold shivers run down her spine.

“Brian,” Chloe mouthed while caressing the side of his face, his stubble pleasantly stung her fingertips. The amount of love she had for him could not be possibly put to words. “I’d love to.” She kissed him ever so tenderly.

Brian smiled against Chloe’s mouth as he kissed her back with a great deal of passion and care, they couldn’t be happier.

Oh my god, that’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life.” They heard Lilly call emotionally from behind them. Her face was plastered to the crack between Brian and Chloe’s seats.

I know, right?!!?!” Jewel’s face popped up from behind her and Johnny’s seats, “Brian I never knew you were so in touch with your feelings!”

"Excuse me?!” Zack exclaimed, “And what about um…My fucking proposal?! Didn’t that mean anything to you?!” He gasped, staring at Lilly.

“Great!” Chloe slid down her seat, covering her face with her coat, completely embarrassed.

“Watch and learn bros, watch and learn…” She heard Brian address Johnny and Zack.        

“Will you bitches ever stop eavesdropping?!” Chloe rolled her eyes.

“Hell no!” Lilly and Jewel called simultaneously.

“Brian?” Chloe turned to him, “I need to buy a guitar for my brother, Gunner.” She smiled slyly.

Brian’s jaw dropped to the floor, “So that’s what it was all about?! Well that’s just cruel!” He gasped sarcastically.

Chloe smacked him on the back of the head, “Alright! I’ll arrange something…”  Brian smirked.


Short filler for all of you!

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