Will You Stay Away Forever? 46

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 Chloe’s heart beat a million times a second and she was absolutely overwhelmed with Brian’s gesture. “Yes! Of course I will!” She choked and Brian grinned widely, slipping the ring onto her finger.

“Oh Brian.” She moaned and flung her arms around his neck, pressing her lips lovingly to his. Their kiss was filled with new levels of passion and love, it marked the start of a new stage in their relationship.

“I was so nervous! I didn’t think you were the marrying type.” Brian said tesnly while running his hands down the sides of her body.

Chloe giggled, “Neither did I.” She stroked his face.

“Aren’t you going to look at it?” Brian smirked and his eyes traveled to Chloe’s hand. She was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t even look at the ring.

“Baby, it’s beautiful!” Chloe whispered, “And it’s exactly my size! Rings are never my size!” She said excitedly while looking at the diamond. Her fingers were slender and delicate.

“Yeah I had Jade steal a few of your rings, so I could find your size.” Brian confessed and nervously ruffled the hair on the back of his head.

“You planned this?!” She gasped, finally putting the pieces together.

“Of course I planned it! I didn’t just walk around with a diamond ring in my pocket for god knows how long.” He squinted and then pressed another kiss to Chloe’s grinning lips, lingering on the bottom one. “Are you happy?” Brian rubbed his nose against hers.

Chloe sighed and rested her hands on his chest, feeling his heart race just like hers. “I’m always happy with you, Brian.” She blushed buried her face in his neck, hugging him tightly.

They stood there for what seemed like eternity, enjoying the mutual embrace.

A wash of cold shivers ran down Chloe’s spine and Brian must have sensed it. “Wanna head back to the hotel?” Brian whispered in her ear while soothingly running his hands down her chilled back.

“In a second.” Chloe murmured against his collar bone and inhaled his scent, which was enough to warm her up from inside. “I like it here.” She turned her head to the side to stare at the calm ocean.

She could never forget this place. It was carved inside her mind for eternity.

Brian turned to knob to their hotel room and let Chloe in first. She stepped into the dark room and before she could reach for the light switch, the lights turned on out of nowhere and she found herself facing all of the band, their girlfriends and the roadies.

“Did she say yes?!?!?” Jade jumped around excitedly, making Chloe’s jaw dropped to the floor.

“She said yes!” Brian called in triumph and circled his arms around Chloe’s waist. Everyone began roaring and cheering, congratulating them on their engagement.

 “You knew?!” Chloe gasped when Jewel pulled her into a tight hug, she was so stunned she barely managed to hug back.

“Everyone knew!!!” Jade playfully smacked Chloe’s arm. “C’mere!!!” She flung her arms around Chloe and squeezed her tightly. “I’m so happy for you guys!!! Oooh Brian and Matt are almost brothers-on-law now!!!” Jade squealed when she saw the boys hug.

“Now you see why he was late?” Zack shook his head after congratulating Chloe.

“We felt really bad because we couldn’t tell you the truth, Jade had your ring.” Alex told Chloe.

“Awww you guys…I feel so-“ Chloe called, she couldn’t put het excitement to words. “I love you all, so so much.” She said emotionally while embracing the Berry twins.

“I think we can all call it a successful night, since we’ve reached a whole new level of awesomeness...” Johnny said cockily. “Because we are fly friends like that.”

“Shut up Short Shit.” Dan smacked Johnny across the head, making his captain America sunglasses fall to the floor. “C’mon everyone, let’s get out of here!” He pointed to the door.

“Yeah I bet Brian and Chloe are tired and would like to get some good sleep.” Matt said cunningly as he and Jade passed by.

“He means sex.” Jade announced and skipped out of there. “Success!” They heard her shout from the hall.

“You’re really on top of your game tonight.” Chloe looked over her shoulder at Brian while locking the door after everyone left.

Brian winked playfully and tossed his shirt across the room before stripping down to his boxers. “Oh you’ve no idea.” He grinned and motioned for her to come over.

“Undo my zipper.” Chloe asked and pushed her hair to the side, allowing Brian to help her out of her dress. Two minutes later she was standing in front of him in her light satin underwear, while Brian sat on the tall bed.

Brian’s hands found her stomach and he gently stroked Chloe’s baby bump before leaning in to shower it with sweet, brief kisses. “Daddy loves you.” Brian whispered lovingly to their baby, making Chloe’s heart do back flips inside her chest.

“Brian you’re killing me.” She smiled while she crawled under the sheets.

“Why?” He smiled and laid his head on the pillow right next to her. Brian’s hand rested on the curve of Chloe’s hip while his dark brown eyes stared into hers.

“Because you’re perfect.” She whispered to him and scooted over to hug his middle and rest her head on his bare chest. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.” She added and placed a kiss on his tattooed skin.

She felt his long fingers play with the tips of her wavy hair, and it washed her with serenity and before she knew it, Chloe fell asleep in the arms of the man she loved most.


Hey everyone! I'm sorry this was short! I'm just focusing more on my Jimmy story at the moment.

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