Will You Stay Away Forever? 24

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Chloe hesitantly walked out of the bathroom, the plastic stick still in her trembling hand. Her heart raced and cold waves of nervousness rushed through her body. She made her way down the hall until she could see the back of Brian’s head as he sat on the couch.

She approached the couch and placed a hand on Brian’s shoulder blade and with the other hand, showed him the pregnancy test. She couldn’t see his face, so his reaction and expression were a mystery to her, only making her more anxious.

Brian quickly turned his head around to face her, his eyes wide. “A plus? What does a plus mean!?” He exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

Chloe’s mouth opened to answer but she couldn’t even pronounce a single word, “Is it positive? It’s positive, right?!” Brian called, closing his hands on Chloe’s arms.

She blinked, “Yes, yes it’s positive.” She said faintly, shaken up.

An enormous grin spread on Brian’s lips, she had never seen a smile that big in her life. “We’re pregnant?!” Brian asked excitedly.

“Yes, we’re pregnant!” Chloe smiled back, regaining her confidence.

“We’re pregnant!!!!!” Brian shouted victoriously and wrapped his arms around Chloe’s waist, lifting her up.

She squealed excitedly, she could never expect a better reaction from Brian. She hugged his shoulders tightly while circling her legs around Brian’s middle. He crashed their lips together in a passionate kiss, putting as much emotion to it as possible.

Brian laid Chloe down on her back, hovering over her with the same enormous grin on his lips. “We’re gonna have a little Norwegian-American baby?” He smirked, rubbing his nose against Chloe’s.

“Yes we are!” Chloe giggled, his goatee tickled her. She couldn’t get over how happy Brian was, she seriously thought he wouldn’t take it too well.

It was as is all the hesitations and doubts she had expericned simply vanished, she was caught up in a life-changing moment with the person she loved most, who loved her back even more.

Brian slid down her body and lifted the hem of her dress up, exposing her stomach. Shivers ran down Chloe’s spine when she felt him place soft, gentle kisses on her abdomen while lovingly caressing her sides.

“Brian!” Chloe chuckled, burying her fingers in his straight dark hair.

“I wonder when it happened.” Brian said, his eyes twinkling.

“At the rate we were going at it, I guess we’ll never know.” Chloe blushed, they just couldn’t get enough of each other lately.

“Baby don’t get me wrong, but aren’t you on birth control?” Brian asked after comfortably positioning himself on top of Chloe, hugging her side and resting his head on her chest.

“I know…” Chloe said, it was exactly what she thought in the bathroom. “I must have missed a few pills, and my period disappeared so you know…there’s only one explanation to that.” She said nervously.

“Angel I’m so ecstatic.” Brian kissed the crook of her neck, nuzzling his face into her skin. “You are my life…My everything! I-“

“I want this, with you, please don't judge by the way I acted and think that I don't.” Chloe said, her eyes glazy.

Brian pulled himself up by his elbows. His breath landed on Chloe’s mouth and his smell enveloped her, making her heart beat faster. “Chloe....it's something new to the both of us...I know you need me to be strong for you, and I will try my best to do just that.” He said cockily, sweetly pressing his lips to hers.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن