Will You Stay Away Forever? 58

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“Hello beautiful,” Brian whispered and the back of his finger gently stroked the baby’s cheek, whose large eyes stared at him curiously. “Daddy’s here with you, I’m going to protect you forever.” He smiled while he carefully taking her from Chloe’s arms and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Brian, she is so precious.” Chloe said softly and hugged Brian’s bicep and couldn’t take her eyes off their baby.

“I’m proud of you babe, I love you.” Brian turned his head to face Chloe and kissed her forehead.

“Kaja?” The nurse peeked inside the room, “You have visitors.” She said.

“Hey mama, hey Lulu.” Chloe smiled when they walked inside the room, glowing with excitement.

“Hello honey! How are you?” Agnes rushed to her daughters side and sighed in relief when she noticed that everything was just fine.

“Aww mom, look.” Luna whispered when looking above Brian’s shoulder, who was lovingly holding his newborn daughter.

“Hei min vakre babyen.” Agnes whispered and carefully reached for the infant’s delicate hand, which the baby immediately wrapped her tiny fingers around. “Brian this is wonderful, you are going to be lovely parents.” Agnes said emotionally, erasing every tiny spec of suspicion she had had towards Brian before.

“Syn?!” A hoarse voice broke the comfortable silence as Matt and Jade appeared in the doorway. “Well, look at that!” Matt grinned broadly, he never thought he’d get to see an image like that. “Congrats guys.” Matt said while making his way to Brian, and taking a good look at the baby.

“Look hun, she looks just like Chloe.” He said to Jade, who had turned so emotional that her eyes were tearing up. “The eyes, the mouth, she’s identical to her mother.” Matt said amusedly.

“No! She’s a spitting image of Brian! Look at that cute button nose, she’s daddy’s girl.” Jade smiled lovingly while lightly caressing the soft fluff of light hair on the child’s head. “What’s her name?” She questioned.

“Tyra Journey Haner.” Chloe said while sitting up and wrapping her arms around Brian’s shoulders from behind, resting her head against his upper back. A muffled cry of excitement left Agnes’s mouth. “Yeah mom I know you’re happy we chose a Norse name.” Chloe smirked while still respecting her family’s tradition.

“I have to take a picture.” Jade called and pulled her signature pink camera out of her purse. “Jee, I’m shaking!” She laughed nervously while snapping a few more pictures. “I’m gonna make you guys a collage.” Jade announced. “No, an album, a huge album!” She said decisively.

“Thank you Jadie.” Chloe blew her cousin a kiss. “I bet Adrian’s going to be excited about his new play partner.” Chloe winked at Luna.

“You bet, they’re both gorgeous babies.” Luna agreed, smiling affectionately to her niece, who was resting comfortably in her daddy’s arms.

“Of course they are, they are Laursens!” Agnes said.

“And a Haner.” Brian Sr.’s familiar voice emerged from the doorway. “Hey there son, you look like you’ve been reborn.” He joked and when he stepped aside, Brian’s face lit up as his eyes met those of his mother’s.

“Hi Chloe, how are you feeling?” She asked softly and gently stroked Chloe’s shoulder.

“Thanks Janice, I’m great.” Chloe nodded, not wanting to stall her. “Look, your first grandchild.” She motioned with her head to Brian. “Her name’s Tyra.”

“She’s perfect.” Janice said and soothingly ran her hand down Brian’s back. Chloe knew how deeply Brian was connected to his mother, even though he never showed it. He always sought her approval and help and no matter how rebellious or tough Brian had made himself seem, Chloe knew that deep within he would ways be his mom’s boy.

“Been a while since we’ve been in a delivery room together, ey?” Brian Sr. addressed his ex-wife jokingly, which made her smile.

“Babe, are you ready to go?” Brian whispered the next day while gently shaking Chloe’s shoulder. “Chlo.” He whispered in her ear.

“Mmm, what time is it?” Chloe mumbled while sleepily rubbing her tired eyes.

“It’s almost noon.” Brian smiled at her puzzled expression and gently combed Chloe’s hair backwards and away from her face. “Dr. Montgomery discharged us, we can go home now.” He said to her.

“Where’s baby Tyra?” Chloe asked while looking around the hospital room.

“Your mom and Luna have her, she’s okay.” Brian calmed her down. “You wanna get dressed?” He asked and pointed to Chloe’s bag of clothes that lay on the chair beside him.

“Not yet.” Chloe shook her head and sat up, trying to ignore the soreness in her back. “C’mere.” She dragged Brian closer by the hand and then wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. “You really got me through it baby, I couldn’t have done this without you, you’re my rock.” She said while roaming his strong pecks with her hand.

“Well, is that’s so, I’m glad I could be of assistance.” Brian said smugly and Chloe looked up at him, shaking her head in disbelief.

“You’re so full of it. Such a noob.” She laughed and kissed his lips. She felt him grin against her mouth and his arms soon found her waist while he pulled her closer and deeper into their passionate kiss. “My noob.” She added when they pulled away.

“For life.” Brian said to her quietly while he played with the impressive engaged ring on her finger.

“You’re sweet, I love you so so fucking much, you know that, right?” Chloe said truthfully while giving him brief, tender kisses.

“Of course, I love you so fucking much too.” He said teasingly, mimicking her tone. “Are you feeling alright, ready to go home?” He asked and detached himself from her.

“Yeah, my back’s sore by that’s about it.” She smiled weakly and climbed out of the hospital bed. “Woop! Look at that, no belly.” She laughed and poked her stomach. “Much better, eh?” She chuckled.

“I like you both ways.” Brian said to her while going to close the door, so that she could get dressed.

“How diplomatic of you, Mr. Gates.” Chloe smiled smugly and stripped down to her lacy pink underwear.

“Mr. Haner.” Brian corrected Chloe while watching her slip into a light sundress. “Hey babe?” Brian asked slowly.

“What is it?” Chloe looked at him over her shoulder while pulling blonde hair up into a messy bun.

“Are you going to take my last name? Or is your family going to give you a hard time for it?” He asked lowly, which meant that he was quite nervous.

“Bri…I know my mom could be a conservative douche sometimes and I’m sorry if she had made you feel unwelcome in the past. But she’s changed, I saw it in her eyes yesterday. Besides, It’s my call and of course I will, I want to, I want you, I want to be Mrs. Brian Haner.” She told him genuinely and wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing to assuredly kiss him.

“Thank you.” Brian mouthed against her lips and took her hand in his as they made their way outside, where Agnes and Luna were waiting for them with Tyra.

“Hello baby, come to me.” Chloe smiled lovingly. “Aren’t you pretty? Yes you are, and you look so much like your daddy!” Chloe giggled while securely holding her day old daughter against her frame. “Isn’t daddy handsome?” She laughed when Tyra kept staring at Brian with her huge green eyes.

“Let’s go, I’ll drive everyone home.” Brian said and began making his way to their car.

“Hey Brian its okay, Mom and I should probably head back to the hotel, you guys have your time.” Luna said to him.

“Are you sure?” Chloe asked, watching her mom and sister.

“Yes of course Darling, we’ll see you later.” Agnes nodded.

“Ready babe? Today’s the first day of the rest of our lives.” Brian laced his fingers with Chloe’s.

“I’m always ready for you.” She grinned, feeling happier than ever.


I hope this was okay! Two more chapters to go :)

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