Will You Stay Away Forever? 25

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“Where are you going?” Chloe asked while licking her spoon clean, right before scooping another spoonful of caramel ice cream. She eyed Brian while he touched up his spiky hair and pulled on one of his fancy blazers.

“We have an interview to attend.” Brian said as he walked by and lightly grazed Chloe’s chin with his thumb, before heading to the closet where he kept his shoes.

“And you have you favorite jacket on…why?” She giggled and once again put the spoon in her mouth, enjoying the cool sweetness. Brian had the olive-green one on.

“Because they’re going to film it!” He grinned as he made his way to the couch and set down, placing his red combat boots on the floor next to him. “So it’s Syn Gates, all the way.” He began unlacing the boots.

“Nuh-huh.” Chloe shook her head and took the boot away, “You’re not wearing these.” She forbid him.

Brian arched his eyebrows, looking pretty amused, “And why’s that?” He smirked cockily and stole it back, making Chloe frown.

“Because they make your legs look short and out of proportion.” She shrugged, Brian’s jaw dropped to the floor.

“Excuse me!? Babe that’s a bit harsh.” He chuckled nervously, he didn’t take criticism too well.

Chloe grinned at his amusement, “Bri I’m not trying to be mean, it’s just a fact.” She smiled and ran her fingers through Brian’s hair, feeling the silkiness of his hairspray.

“You wear boots, you don’t see me complaining!” Brian crossed his arms over his chest, was that seriously such a blow to the ego?

“Because I have long, beautiful legs!” Chloe grinned and seductively ran her hand down her thigh, but Brian remained grumpy. “Here, this will make you feel better.” She said cheerfully and scooped a bit of ice-cream, offering it to Brian.

Brian smirked and rejected it, lightly pushing her hand away, “I don’t eat that.” Brian referred to the sugar, which made Chloe roll her eyes. “It’s bad for you.” He tried being serious.

“Just admit you’re afraid of getting fat, again.” Chloe said cunningly and kissed Brian on the lips, letting her sugary tongue part his lips and massage against his, trying to seduce him. Her squeal made her break away from the kiss when she felt Brian tickle her side.

“Great, so now I have short legs and I’m fat?” Brian frowned  but his eyes twinkled mischievously.

“No…You just have bad taste in shoes and a protein-based diet.” Chloe bit back while hopping off the couch and making her way to the kitchen.

“Well you have an entire lifetime to fix that, don’t you babe?” Chloe heard Brian said and she almost dropped the china bowl. A lifetime!?

She was so glad he couldn’t see her astonished expression because he would not get in the right way. She cleared her throat and washed her hands under the running water, “So when are you guys leaving?”

“Whenever Jason decides to pick us up.” Brian’s voice emerged from behind Chloe, making her turn around to face him.

Chloe nodded and scanned him, “Good boy.” She grinned when seeing that he changed to his trademark trainers, “Much better.” She petted his chest and her fingers gently traced the metal bolt pendant on his chain, it was cold against her touch.  

Brian smirked and lightly kissed the tip of Chloe’s nose before planting a kiss on her lips as well, “Do you wanna come with me?” He suggested.

“I dunno…” She curled reluctantly, “Is Jade going to be there?” She asked bitterly.

“Probably…” Brian pushed a few hairs away from her face, “Are you still angry with her?” He asked weakly, Chloe was still furious about Jade’s behavior.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum