Will You Stay Away Forever? 37

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Chloe followed Brian into the enormous tour bus, which was still a bit empty. Everybody was waiting for Zack and Johnny to arrive.

“Chloe, this is Arin, our new drummer.” Brian introduced Chloe to a skinny guy in his early twenties. He was a bit corky looking, but Chloe figured that if she was supposed to live with him on a bus for the next few months, she might as well be nice and welcoming.

“Hey, it’s so nice to meet you!” Chloe hugged him faintly.

Arin hugged back, “Syn can talk about you forever, too bad we haven’t met prior to today!” Arin said politely.

“Yeah, Chloe’s not very involved with the band…” Brian mumbled quietly, which made Chloe clench her jaw. She chose to ignore his comment and picked Pinkly up off the floor before flopping down onto the futon, laying Pinkly in her lap.

Alex!!!” Chloe squealed excitedly when she saw Alex climb the stairs, “I didn’t know you were coming!!!” She said happily. Chloe absolutely loved Alex, she was sarcastic and hella fun.

“Yeah Zack talked me into it at the last second! It should be fun, right? Except my boss threatened to fire me…” She giggled nervously while looking around the tour bus. “Aww Helloo little Missy!” Alex grinned and stroked Pinkly’s freshly groomed fur, “She’s like the band’s mascot!”

“She is! Isn’t she?” Chloe giggled along, playing with the little Maltese. “Hey Zack! Looking good!” She complimented Zacky’s new haircut.

He smiled back and waved, which made his light eyes twinkle. Zacky then turned to Matt, who was already sitting in the driver’s seat, ready to do what he loved most, driving the bus.

Matt liked being the boss.

Ooh hi Bri! Is Chloe here?” Chloe heard Jade’s familiar chuckles coming from the back of the bus. Brian mumbled a response and then his heavy footsteps were replaced with Jade’s fidgety ones. “Hi Arin!” Jade said hyper-actively and ruffled Arin’s dark hair before sitting down on the table in front of Chloe and Alex.

“So when are we going to hit the road?” Alex asked anxiously, ready for the new experience.

“Right when Johnny and Jewel decide to show up! I hate those fuckers, they’re always late!” Matt grumbled.

“Chloe…Brian’s a little blue…” Jade whispered, her eyes full of sympathy. “Is everything ok?”

“He’s just upset because of you know…Jimmy…” Chloe sighed, “He barely slept tonight, I think the first tour without him is very stressful for Brian.” She explained honestly.

She didn’t know what she could do for him. Brian and Chloe had countless conversations about Jimmy, and how Brian could deal with the terrible loss. But most of these talks ended with tears, or heated arguments. The only thing that Chloe could do was give him time.

She snapped out of her melancholic thoughts when Johnny and Jewel finally arrived, flirting and giggling.

Alright guys listen up!” Matt announced. “I wish you all a happy, successful tour and all that shit…Now, this is the driving schedule, so don’t cheat!” Matt warned and plastered a sheet to the wooden wall. “But Johnny was late so he’s driving first!!!” Matt roared evilly, shoving Johnny to the front of the bus.

As he walked by the girls, Matt secretly tapped Chloe’s shoulder, signaling for her to follow him. She played it cool and got up, letting Alex take Pinkly and followed Matt.

“What is it?” She asked him once they weren’t within hearing range. Matt had a puckish smile on his lips, as if what he was about to say was complete nonsense.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Where stories live. Discover now