Will You Stay Away Forever? 49

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“Babe, I don’t want you to go…” Brian mumbled as he watched his pregnant fiancée packing up her luggage. Chloe put a pair of elegant shoes down and sighed, making eye contact with him.

“I don’t want it either Brian, but there’s nothing we can do about it. Besides, if I didn’t have to leave we’d only have one extra month to be together, it’s not that big of a deal.” Chloe said. She didn’t like talking about the matter, she was emotional as it is.

“A month is plenty of time!” Brian huffed, “Here, I’ll give you a hand.” He chuckled and helped Chloe zip the suitcase as she was desperately fondling with the zipper.

“Thanks…” Chloe said quietly and then rested her forehead against Brian’s chest and closed her eyes. “I’m tired.” She sighed. “I don’t want to fly…”

Brian’s arms securely hooked around her waist and he brought Chloe closer, occasionally running his fingers through her hair. “It’ll be okay.” Brian said slowly and pressed a kiss to the crown of Chloe’s head.

She inhaled deeply, feeling his soothing scent envelop her senses. “I don’t wanna deal with all that crap. Once I get home I’ll have to make sure my family arrives and make all sorts of arrangements for them…All I want to do is sleep in.” She nuzzled his t-shirt.

“Baby they’ll manage on their own. Besides you won’t be all alone, you have Megan, haven’t you missed her?” He stroked her cheek but Chloe only hugged him tighter.

“Of course I’ve missed her…” Chloe whispered and closed her eyes. “I just want…you.” She said shyly and looked up, facing Brian.

He flashed Chloe a warm grin and kissed the tip of her nose. “And you’ll have Pinkly.” Brian wiggled his eyebrows, making Chloe grin. “You’re the best of friends!”

“Yeah, she’s my joy.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “When is the car going to get here?” Chloe looked around the empty bus, everybody went out to party.

“Soon.” Brian looked at his watch, “Your flight takes off at 11, right?” He asked, making sure the ride he had booked for them wasn’t late.

“Yup.” Chloe nodded briefly and detached herself from Brian, heading for the spacious couch where she lay down, enjoying the silence. “C’mere.” She mumbled, motioning for Brian to come over.

He obeyed and in a matter of second the cushion shifted by Chloe’s side and she felt his hand on her thigh. “I’m going to miss you so so so much!” He said and parted Chloe’s legs so that he could slide in between. He placed his head on her chest and cupped her baby bump with his hand, slowly stroking it.

“I’ll miss you too.” Chloe replied just as softly and combed his hair away from his face, letting the sleekness glide through her fingers.

“I hate missing out on you, baby.” Brian said sadly but he wasn’t addressing Chloe, but her stomach. “Daddy’s devastated, so don’t give mama a hard time, okay?” Chloe giggled when Brian showered her with kisses.

Their lips locked in a meaningful kiss filled with pure love. She tried to savor the softness of his lips and the warmth of his tongue for as long as possible. She wanted to carve it even stronger in her memory, it was all she had to hold onto.

“I’ll miss these too.” Brian smiled bitter sweetly before giving her more brief kisses.

“We’ll Skype.” Chloe laughed and felt his return the grin against her cheek. “It’s almost as good as physical touch!”

“Yeah, right.” Brian snorted. “Damn, that’s a huge rock, girl.” Brian said in a cocky tone as he played with the engagement ring on her finger.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Where stories live. Discover now