Will You Stay Away Forever? 38

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Brian’s soft breath made the tiny hairs on the back of Chloe’s neck stand on end. A familiar buzzing sensation washed over her body and she soon found herself rolling to the other side, where she faced Brian’s sleeping form.

Her heart raced as she admired his sleeping figure, he was so unbelievingly fine. Brian’s lips were slightly ajar while his muscular chest heaved as he exhaled deeply. Biting her lip, Chloe laid her hand on Brian’s lower stomach and grazed it with her nails.

His abs immediately flexed to the contact, making Chloe smirk. “Brian.” Chloe murmured against his jaw line, trying to wake him up. As usually, a light groan left his mouth and his arms brought Chloe closer.

Sleep.” He commanded tiredly, petting her side.

Chloe hooked her fingers under his chin and elevated his face, “Baby, I’m horny...” Chloe pleaded against his lips, nipping on them.

Brian’s brown eyes snapped open and he drew away from the kiss, staring at Chloe, trying to figure out whether he was dreaming or not. “For real?” He grinned and his hand automatically crept under Chloe’s babydoll.

Chloe answered by eagerly pressing her lips to his, attacking him with loving nibbles while her hand slithered to the elastic of his boxers, gently playing with the fabric. Brian smiled into the kiss while pulling down the thin string of Chloe’s ruffle thong.

“C’mere.” He whispered and gripped her toned hips, pulling her up to straddle his waist. Chloe giggled, resting the palms of her hands on his chest for support. “You’ve no idea how beautiful you look.” Brian said while lovingly stroking the sides of her stomach, which had grown so much in only one month.

Flattered, Chloe allowed a giggle to escape her throat and her hand dove inside Brian’s boxers, where she found him already fully hard. Chloe chuckled and lifted her hips up to get rid of his boxers but as she tried returning to her position, her head painfully collided with the top of the bunk.

Ow.” Chloe pouted, rubbing the back of her throbbing skull. Brian laughed but then replaced her hand with his.

“Careful,” He said quietly, not to wake anyone up. “Hang on.” Brian groaned and lay on his side. “Let’s spoon.” He offered a different position.

Okay…” Chloe mumbled and rested her back against his warm chest. Brian firmly hooked his arm around her stomach and took her leg, resting the back of it around his.

Chloe could feel the pressure of her bodyweight on her arm, and she couldn’t ignore it. There was no way she was going to enjoy anything when lying like this. “Brian?” Chloe whispered hesitantly.

“Yeah babe?” He breathed deeply as he shifted, looking for the best angle to enter her.

“I’m not comfy.” She huffed, staring at the bunk’s plain curtain.

“Thank god! Neither am I! I can’t feel half of my body…” Brian muttered and sat up. He crawled over her and peeked out of the bunk, looking at the passage. “Let’s go.” He whispered while silently slipping out of the bunk.

“Chloe!” He urged her, his head peeked through the curtain while the rest of his body was already outside. “I’m fucking butt naked!” Brian complained.

Chloe rolled her eyes and took the white comforter, holding it against her nude frame. If they got caught, at least she would be covered.

Brian took her hand and led her down the dark hallway, careful not to wake anyone up and not to trip on anything. “Brian, this fucking sucks.” Chloe whispered loudly, referring to the miserable failure of spontaneous sex.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Where stories live. Discover now