Will You Stay Away Forever? 40

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“Chlo, are you coming?” Jewel asked and pointed to the direction where Jade and Alex ran off excitedly to watch the guys play.

“No, I think I’ll just stay here, I’m not feeling very well.” Chloe mumbled and sank into the couch, stroking her baby bump.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Jewel asked, concerned. She then walked up to Chloe and gently brushed Chloe’s blonde hair to the side.

“Dunno…A bit dizzy I guess.” Chloe smiled weakly in response. Jewel looked skeptical and sat on the brown couch next to Chloe, running her hands down her bare thighs.

“Is this because of the fan girls?” Jewel asked quietly, reading Chloe like a book. Chloe was about to open her mouth to lie when Jewel spoke again, “I know they can be mean and gross…But you can’t hide on this bus forever…”

Chloe sighed, “Jewel they are so, so vicious. Have you seen the way they look at me? They think I’m some horrible rich bitch who’s using Brian for attention. I mean dammit, I didn’t even know he was in a band when I met him!” Chloe said miserably.

“Kaja…They are just jealous.” Jewel turned to face her, “Look at you, you are absolutely drop dead gorgeous! You’re funny and smart…You and Brian are having a baby for fuck’s sake! You’re everything they dream of being!!!!” Jewel grinned.

Her words brought a smile to Chloe’s lips, “It’s just frustrating, you know? All of that negative energy…” Chloe explained.

“Babe, just be grateful that Brian’s not sleeping with them.” Jewel smirked, popping some gum into her mouth.

Chloe always feared finding out that Brian was messing with the older fans behind her back, but for some special reason, deep inside, she trusted him. She knew he wouldn’t cheat, especially not now.  

Jewel’s gaze was full of bitter-sweet scorn, which made Chloe quite curious. “Jewel?” She raised an eyebrow, not really knowing what exactly to ask.

“Johnny and I have this weird, open-relationship thingie going on.” Jewel shrugged, as if it was no big deal.

What?!” Chloe gasped, sitting up. “Are you serious?!”

Jewel nodded, “Yeah, it’s always been like that…He’s in a band, we’re young…” Jewel smiled.

“But doesn’t it bother you that he fucks other girls?!” Chloe asked, still wide eyed.

“Nah…I’m don’t walk on water either.” Jewel giggled. “It’s just…We want to make the best of life while we can. So if sex with other people happens, it’s cool. We know that once we’re old and wrinkled, we’ll have each other.” Jewel explained.

Wow, ok. I could never agree to that.” Chloe said seriously.

“Unless Johnny dies on me from liver failure…” Jewel added nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Chloe smirked and hugged a pillow to her rounded stomach, immediately thinking of Melody. “I feel horrible for Mel, you know? Losing your husband like that…your one true love…it’s beyond…” Chloe couldn’t even fund a way to describe what Melody must have been feeling like after losing Jimmy.

“I met up with her a few times…She’s a complete mess.” Jewel shook her head. Chloe noticed that shivers ran down Jewel’s skin. “I think she’s painting him.” Jewel suddenly stated.

“I’ve been to her place, she had this canvas that’s like…the size of my kitchen. You think it’s Jimmy she’s drawing?” Chloe asked curiously.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang