Will You Stay Away Forever? 52

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Hey Hun!!!!” Jade’s infamous squeal pierced Chloe’s ears and she immediately turned down the volume to barely 20%.

“No needs to fucking yell!!!” Chloe muttered but allowed a little smile to tug on the corner of her lips. “What are you so happy about?”

“Oh nothing…” Jade whistled innocently, “Just checking up on my preggers cousin! How are ya doing? Tierd? Fat? Itchy? Glowing? I hope you’re glowing…”

“Yeah okay, I guess I’ll have to go with ‘glowing’” Chloe rolled her eyes and held the phone to her ear with the help of her shoulder while she made a cup of iced tea for herself. “How ‘bout you? How’s it shakin’ with Matty?”

“We’re on cloud nine.” Jade answered sheepishly, “Him and the guys are giving some major interview now, so I’m backstage chilling…” Jade explained.

“Oh really? That’s good for them. But I sure hope that those interviewers won’t be asking anymore questions about Jimmy…This shit is really starting to get out of hand, you see how heartbroken it leaves them…I bet Brian went there with his shades on…” She muttered and climbed into bed.

“True…But they’re trying to cherish his memory you know and the fans are curious…the guys gotta deliver…”  Jade mumbled somewhat apologetically.

“Those fan girls are fucking vicious…” Chloe added bitterly as unpleasant memories clouded her mind. Saying that Brian’s fans despised Chloe would be the understatement of the century.

Jade giggled, “You’re so possessive, I love it!” She laughed. “Anyways, the interview is streamed live in about 5 minutes, I already sent you the link so tune in…it’s in HD!” Jade gasped.

“Mmm’kay, I’ve nothing better to do before bed anyways…” Chloe mumbled tiredly and crawled under the sheets.

She then took a pot of body butter from the bedside table and began spreading some of it onto her stomach. “I hate sleeping alone, and I keep rubbing this lotion into my skin to prevent stretch marks...I hope it’s working…” She muttered under her breath.

“Don’t worry! Brian’s gonna be back in no time!” Jade said  the optimistic manner that was extremely characteristic of her. “Anyways I think it’s about to begin…have you logged in?!” She asked anxiously.

“Yeah I have!!!” Chloe rolled her eyes and stared at the computer screen on her lap, “All I can see is them sitting on a couch, aw they all look so handsommeee!” She grinned, missing her friends.

“Awesome, I’m gonna hang up now, enjoy!” Jade announced and soon all Chloe could hear was the dialing tone.

Chloe watched excitedly while the enthusiastic interviewer asked the guys all sorts of questions regarding tour, the production of the album and music videos. As she expected, about 20 minute into the interview, it took a more personal turn and questions about Jimmy quickly floating onto the surface.

“Jimmy was the person around whom the whole band revolved around, you know? He was this incredibly talented and amazing human being, he was everyone’s best friend and the support from the fans has been unbelievable, it really helped us through, it made us continue and fulfill his legacy…”

Zacky’s emotional voice made Chloe shed a tear. Jimmy’s death was by no means taboo in the Avenged Sevenfold family but everything they spoke of his in public, their words were so genuine and filled with love.

The interviewer asked the guys questions that have been sent in advance and one of them was about the meaning of all the bolt chains they all had around their necks. When Matt explained that those screws and bolts have been once a part of Jimmy’s drum kit, Chloe’s eyes traveled to her chest of drawers.

Will You Stay Away Forever? (Synyster Gates) ~Book 2~Where stories live. Discover now