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Ross' P.O.V

"I told you, Alex.. I'm vegetarian!" I protested as he was egging me on to order a sickly looking burger from the takeaway menu.

"Look, not got anything against that but.. It's a bit boring, don't you think?" He asked with a cocky shrug as he leaned against my kitchen counter as we looked down at the paper. "Not really.. Is everything boring to you?" I asked as I raised a brow at him, nudging him a little with my elbow. "Everything you do is boring, lovely.. You're like a virgin of anything fun or a tiny bit risky!" He licked over his teeth as he smirked, nudging me back harder in retaliation.

The force from his ripped shoulder caused me to stumble a little, but I managed to stay balanced. "Sorry," he chuckled at my weakness and I just blushed a little. "I'll have the salad off your kebab, okay?" I asked as there was no vegetarian options on it, I don't even know why smith thought there would be.

"Fine, if you're alright with that?" He asked before pulling his body up onto the counter, his feet still almost touching the floor. So god damn tall! "It's fine, really," I nodded and picked up the phone, Smith instantly went to grab it from me.

"I'm calling them!" He yelled like a excited child and I just shook my head and moved my arm slowly away from his grabby hands. "Alex. The last takeaway you called to on my phone, you got my number blocked from them. You practically harassed that poor man," I sighed as I remembered the time where he did, it was completely horrible but also very funny..

"Boring Rossy, boring.." He sighed and raised his brows, looking at me patronisingly.

I just scowled at him, pouting a little before starting to dial the number for the takeaway. I placed the phone to my ear, hearing the beeping before they answered rather quickly. "Yeah, can I have a kebab with some salad and no hot sauce please?" I asked the very kind woman on the other end of the phone.

I looked over to smith as I placed my order, he was smirking. What the fuck is he up to?

Alex's P.O.V

I looked over to Ross, I had an idea to mess with him. Nothing beats messing with our Rossy.

I stepped down from the counter, walking closer to him and the phone, bringing my mouth near the phone that was still held to his ear. "Who you talking to Rossy? You cheating on me?!" I grinned as he blushed, giving me a serious look as he tried to push me away as he gave the caller the address for delivery. "Ross, how could you just leave me in bed like that for food?" I spoke as I pushed my way closer to the phone.

"Fuck off!" He whispered as he was blushing deeply now, grinning a little. Luckily for us, the woman could take a joke and she was laughing a long.

"I'm looking all cute for you! What the fuck man I even did my makeup!" I couldn't help but tease him as I saw how socially awkward he was. Ross soon said goodbye and hung up, immediately punching me lightly in the chest, "smith!!" He yelled.

"What? It was funny.. You wanted to laugh, mate," I said back cheekily, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Not funny, now I'll just be known by them as the gay man who leaves his lovers in bed.." He mumbled jokingly and I couldn't help but laugh. The things he says sometimes, fucks sake.

"Why do you care anyway? They don't do vegetarian options. Jesus, now I know why you're so skinny and literally have no muscle.." My words trailed off as I shrugged and smirked, "and you're pretty gay anyway, it's only the truth.." I couldn't help but tease, although I was joking I always had a feeling that he was gay. I mean I don't really care either way but.. Anyway.

"Not funny, I've had enough of Sam telling everybody that I am. It's not offending me it's just not nice to have that said about you?" Ross sighed and rolled his eyes.

Bless him. "Ignore Sam.." I stepped closer to Ross and poked at his side, causing him to smile as it was his little ticklish spot. "I'm only friends with him because he knows some cool guys and he really isn't that bad when you get to know him.." I commented and Ross gritted his teeth.

He hated the guy.

"You mean drug dealers?" He asked, damn someone's salty as fuck. "Ross, stop," I commanded, he acted as if I was proud of my bad habits, he knew I wasn't. "Sorry I just don't like knowing that you do that shit. Like I'm not against it I just don't like you doing it," he said with concern and it kinda took me by surprise. Now I feel shitty.

"I don't like you being boring but I have to deal with it, lovely.." I grinned, I hated having a low mood in conversation.

"It's because my humour makes up for it right? You're into me!" He spoke innocently, not really realising what he had said.

"Yeah, I'm clearly horny for Ross Hornby," I rolled my eyes, smirking as I stepped back to lean against the counter again.

"You could say I had a stiffy for smithy.."

Ross' P.O.V
Hours went by from our 'meal.' We ended up playing mortal combat for 5 hours and smith convinced me to break open some alcohol.

"I didn't even see her again after that, Ross!" Alex growled, sipping from his beer bottle with a cigarette in his other hand as we sat in my bedroom.

The room was full of smoke and the smell of alcohol, I usually wouldn't allow this but I was too shitfaced to care. But smith was fine.

Alex's P.O.V
"You did~ People said you had sex and that's why she's pregnant!" A drunken Ross slurred and I just chuckled and shook my head, not knowing what the fuck he was talking about.

"She isn't pregnant Ross! Love, you need to get to sleep I think.. You're hammered you lightweight!" I yelled through chuckles, Ross is fucking hilarious when he's drunk.

The last time he was drunk he got really serious and cried for about three hours. He only had two bloody drinks.. His body is way too tiny and fragile for even the smallest amount of alcohol.

"I cant~!" He yelled as he sloppily fell onto me, "I have to tell you!" He rested his head on my shoulder and looked up at me. "Tell me what, lovely?" I asked with a knowing smile, knowing that it would be something completely dumb and not important.

"You know earlier in th- the day today?" He spoke quietly and I nodded at the slurred sentence. "Yesss, why? What's up?" I asked as I couldn't wait to listen to what shit he had to say next. "We were talking about the gay stuff and I gotta say.." Here it comes...

"I'm really gay.. Is that alright."

Okay, maybe that is important.

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