Unplanned 'Problem.'

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Alex's P.O.V
"So Tom slept over last night, huh?" I asked Harry the following morning, sipping some coffee from my cup with Ross sat by my side.

"Shut the fuck up.. Nothing happened!" Harry snapped defensively, almost too defensive..

"He's joking, Harry. We know you didn't," Ross reassured, being the nice and sweet guy that he is.

"Am I joking?" I questioned, acting serious before grinning as I saw the death stare he was giving me.

"I'll kill you, prick," he raised a brow before chuckling slightly.

"Nah, you care too much mate," I told him and he raised his brows with a sarcastic smile.

"Hmmm, sometimes," he said before taking a drink from his own cup.

"What's your plans for today then baby boy?" I poked at Ross' stomach, he soon squirmed away from my hand, slapping it a little.

"Stop!" He squealed, "I don't know. Trott invited us lot to go to a theme park with him and katie for her birthday today but I don't know," he mentioned and the idea sounded amazing. How come he didn't mention this to me before?

"Let's go then?" I questioned, confused to the fact that he never mentioned it to me before.

"Uhm.. I don't know.." He stated awkwardly, looking down.

"I wanna go!" Harry chirped in.

"Yeah, same," I greed before Ross sat up, looking quite uncomfortable.

"Alright.. We can go but.." He stuttered out slightly.

"Hmm?" I questioned, honestly the suspense of the catch was killing me at this point.

"Hannah's going with them, she's like Katie's best friend.. I might feel awkward?" He said innocently and I cringed at the distant memory that I had blocked out involving her.

"Babe, we sorted it and I'm pretty sure she's with Lewis again so.." I stated but the look on his face made him look as if he was not convinced. "Honestly, we will stay out of their way then. Just talk to those we both get along with, yeah?" I asked him and he nodded in approval, finally.

"Yeah. Trott has a few entry tickets left so Harry could bring Tom too, if he's up for it?" Ross asked, his head facing Harry now.

"Yeah, yeah. He'll be up for 'owt," Harry stated, grinning excitedly.

"Who else is off?" I asked and Ross got his phone up to show me the messages from Trott that he had received a few nights ago.

"Chris, Katie, Hannah, Lewis, Kim, you, me and Harry, we are all allowed a plus one each.. Nice," I stated with a nod.

"Might wanna hurry. They're meeting in like two hours, still haven't told him that we're going," Ross stated as he began to text Chris to inform him what had been decided.

"Oh shit! I'll go ask Tom!" Harry practically jumped from the back of the couch to dart up his stairs to his bedroom where lover boy was at.. He's like an excited poodle.


I held Ross' hand quite proudly as we walked to the car park of a nearby pub, which was our meeting spot. Katie's dad had paid for a coach to take us all.. I guess a lot of people are going today then?

Good job her dad's rich as fuck..

Harry and Tom walked in front of us, flirtatiously bumping off of eachother and having flirty little banter. Cuties. Sad that Harry told Ross and I not to mention them two seeing eachother to the others as Harry is so defensive about that shit..

"I see them," Ross said as we walked around the corner to find almost everybody waiting by the big ass coach we had got for the day.

"Alright," I nodded at them all as we approached. Everyone was here apart from Hannah and Lewis. I assumed they were all arriving together like us lot.

"Ross!" Squealed Kim, pulling a smaller girl by the wrist, she had light brown hair and was wearing the most awesome rainbow gloves. "This is Zoey! My colleague I was telling you about the other day," Kim introduced both of us to the very timid and shy girl.

"Hey, Zo, I'm Alex," I said rather casually as she shook my hand, can't believe I'd given her a nickname already.

"You're date then?" I asked rather insensitively as Zoey was clearly very nervous and shy.

I felt Ross kicking me to stop and I did.. Dick move.

"Nope, she has a special person," Kim said as she nudged Zoey playfully in the side, wiggling her eyebrows towards her. She just giggled and shook her head slightly.

"Yep," she admitted, shrugging rather cutely up at Ross and I.

"Who's the lucky fella?" Ross asked with a smile, trying to be friendly towards the introvert.

"Fiona's not really a fella but.. Yeah!" She chuckled slightly before blushing.

Mistake number two: assuming everyone we meet is straight even though we are in a homosexual relationship ourselves.

"Don't mind him, since he's got me he's been obsessed with men..." I teased to try and make the new girl feel more light about the whole situation.

"Hey, I get it man.. Pretty gay myself," she chuckled and we playfully fist-bumped.

I like her. She's shy and really dopey but in like a cute way? And she can take a joke so she's in.

"Kim's the only one with a stick up her arse.." I commented, referring to the fact that Kim was straight playfully.

"Fuck off, Smiffy!" She punched my stomach and I chuckled. Not because she hit me, because I didn't bloody feel it.

I noticed Kim's facial expression change quite quickly as she looked off into the distance.

"Shit.." She mumbled out and Ross turned around and released a sigh.

I was almost afraid to, but I turned my head to find no other that Sam Strippin walking out way.. Holding hands with Hannah.

"Am I missing out on something, guys..?" Zoey's voice cracked a little as she was new to the group.

"You've missed out on a hell of a lot, my friend.." I said kind of sternly as I stared down my ex-best friend. My blood began to boil.

He better not start on anybody today, not on my watch..


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