Forgive me.

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Ross' P.O.V
"He's a quite admirable guy.. I never knew he even had emotions!" Kim joked to me, referring to smith as I just told her the story from page one right to the end.

"I feel like I'm in love.. He's the best person I know and he looks after me, if he wasn't here last night.. I don't know where I'd be.." I told her truthfully as I sipped at my coffee, sitting comfortably with her on my sofa.

"I'm so happy for you, you deserve this.. And he does too, he's gone through a lot as have you. I truly believe you are perfect for one another," she nodded, drinking her green tea as she sat across from me, her legs folded on the comfy material.

"Thanks, Kim.. It really does means lot. Want to eat with us tonight? We can get a takeaway if you want?" I offered as I loved Kim's company, I had forgotten how lovely and accepting she was.

"Sure, I'd love to catch up with ol' Smiffy too! It's been ages since we've had a full on conversation, I feel like I barely know him," she chuckled slightly and I grinned.

"You'll love him, seriously. No matter what people have said about him, he's the most genuine and loveable person you'll ever--"

I was cut off in my confession to the sound of the door opening then slamming shut.

"Alex?" I called, I knew it was him but.. I don't think he knew we were expecting company.

"Y-yeah!" He stuttered shakily before walking into the living room rather slowly.

I looked up at him, his eyes were red and watery, looking at me with sorrow as he hung his head slightly.

"what happened to you?!" I panicked and stood up, walking towards him as I held his face in his hands.

Kim watched, I can imagine how awkward this must've been for her.. Seeing him in this state after hearing all my good views on him.. But I'm sure she wouldn't care.

"I-I can't.." He stuttered out before falling to his knees. This was not like Alex Smith. I held his face in my hands and made him look at me, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I did something bad.. Really bad you're gonna hate me.. You're gonna hate me Ross!" He repeated and he sobbed out.

Seeing him like this broke me.

"What is it?" I asked, wanting to know now what I would supposedly hate him for, like that would ever happen.

"I.. Hannah kissed me, I found out she was the one who told and then I went over. She reminded me of stuff and I don't know.. I realised I was a dick to her and we agreed to being friends and she just.. She just.." I shooshed him, not needing to hear anymore.

I wasn't even mad. I wasn't even upset. Well I was, but because he felt like I'd hate him for this?

"Alex, no.. I could never hate you, you didn't do this to hurt me it just happened. Things happen and I'm not mad at you or Hannah. We aren't even committed so there's no reason for you to feel this way anyway.. But I believe you and I know you, Al. I know you wouldn't do this because you wanted to, it just happened," I told him and his breathing evened out, his eyes looked up to meet mine as he clutched onto my hands.

"You're not?" He asked with a little voice crack and I shook my head,

"Not even a little bit.. You've told me how you feel about me and that's all that matters to me, I know the truth. Hannah has a fiancée too, she's very in love with him.. It was only a kiss. Nothing else happened, if it went further, you wouldn't have told me.. I admire your honestly and my feeling and opinions on you have not changed and they won't.."  I reassured the taller man as I meant every word. I saw the situation of the kiss being out of sympathy. I've kissed my friends before after a good old argument. This wasn't anything to be hung up over, silly smith.

"I guess.. I guess so.." He told me and I pulled him up onto his feet and he pulled me into an embrace, so my head was tucked into his chest.

"I thought I'd lose you.. I was so scared..  I'm not even sure if I like girls anymore, I'm too hung up over you to think about them.. Thank you so much for seeing this the way I did.." He whispered into my ear and nuzzled onto my shoulder.

"You'd have to do something a lot worse to lose me," I told him and we pulled apart the hug as I softly kissed his forehead once.

Alex's P.O.V
The amount of relief I felt was unbelievable.. Really. I honestly felt nothing for her in that way, I wouldn't ever kiss anyone with romantic intentions whilst 'with' Ross.

I turned my head to find Ross' good friend Kim stood up, smiling at us in awe.

"Wow.. You guys really are strong together, I see that now, I see what you meant Ross," She told him proudly, beginning to slip her coat on.

"You not staying?" Ross asked her as he took her hand, she began walking away towards the main door.

"Nah, I'll catch you later. You two boys could do with some alone time I think. Text me when you want to do this again, t'was fun!" She grinned and nodded before adding, "nice to see you again, smith!"

I sent her a smile and a nod. "You're the best, talk to you soon, yeah?" Ross added her before she sent him a wink of approval before leaving the house.

I then took it upon myself to hold my true love in my arms.. My real true love. The one person who understood me more than anyone else, and knew that my feelings for him were way stronger then they could ever be for anybody else in this world, or another.

I love him.

baby blue. - a smornby fic.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant