I'll make it up to him.

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Ross' P.O.V

I clutched Alex's hand harder than I've clutched anything before.. Wait no, sounded weird.

"Don't do anything dumb!" I snapped to Alex as he was gritting his teeth harshly and he always did that when angry.

"I won't," he growled slightly, "I won't ruin today if he doesn't, it's not fair on katie," he reassured me before I practically pulled him onto the coach after Kim and Zoey, who didn't want there to be drama either.

"Why's he here?" Kim asked us as she turned her head, climbing up the steps of the coach to the isle.

"I don't fucking know.. Guess he's Hannah's plus one?" Alex questioned, staring out of the window tauntingly at Sam, watching them be greeted by Trott and Katie.

We sat down in some seats across from Kim and Zoey. We were right next to the back row, not wanting to be near Sam at all.

"He's going to cause shit again. Chris told me he wasn't even allowed to turn up," Kim told us before folding her arms. "Don't talk to him, Zoey. He's awful," she informed Zoey as she was new and oh so confused.

"I guess us four should stay together then. And by together I mean away from Sam and Hannah," I told them and they all nodded in agreement.

We heard footsteps coming up to the isle and we all turned our heads incredibly quickly, expecting it to be Sam.

"Alright, guys," We saw no other than Lewis Brindley approached followed by his best friend Simon Lane.

Simon was in my programming class in school. He didn't talk much but, when he did he made me laugh. At least he turned up too, it made the situation fairly better.

Simon and Lewis spread out slightly on the very back row, right behind us.

"Why's Sam here?" Lewis asked curiously, I guess he didn't know about him and Hannah..

"We're asking the same thing," Zoey chuckled slightly, the whole situation was just awkward at this point.

"I swear if he tries anything—" Alex went to ramble on, but we all hushed up when he heard and saw that the rest were climbing on to take a seat.

"You all shy or something? You're all at the back cooped up like bloody sheep!" Sam exclaimed smugly, I turned to Alex who had a pure look of hatred in his eyes.

Alex's P.O.V

After a hell of a long journey, we finally arrived at the theme park and stepped in there, luckily it wasn't busy even a little bit.

"You alright?" I asked to Zoey, who looked a little dazed.

"Y-yeah, fine! Just, I'm not always my best around others.." She mumbled out and hell, I felt sorry for the girl.

She was so nice and genuine, but she had no confidence in herself whatsoever.

"Well, Zoey. You're sticking with my and my boy today.. And, of course, Kim. No need to hide, we'll look after ya'," I assured her with a slight pat on her shoulder.

Her face lit up and she sent me a reassuring simper, nodding along to the promise I made.

"Gettin' along, are we?" Kim came along, Ross beside her. We were waiting for them as they needed the loo after the journey.

"Of course," I assured, turning to send her a nod before pulling Ross in so that I could lounge my arm on his shoulders.

"Where to first then, Smith?" Ross looked up at me, his baby blue orbs twinkling in the sunlight as it was such a nice day today.

I couldn't even want to refrain from smiling softly at him before pressing my lips to his forehead for a mere few seconds.

It was nice to be open about my feelings towards him in public. It just felt right, like nothing was 'wrong' or 'different' about it in the slightest.

"Oi, oi, lovebirds! Flying from the nest already! C'mon! We've got a long day ahead of us.." We heard Sam calling to us, I instantly tensed my jaw and my fist that wasn't around Ross.

I turned my frame to him, seeing that Hannah was under his wing like Ross was mine. It was like a stand off, I felt instantly raged.

"Just stepped away for a minute.. You know it's not like we had an unbearable journey.." I hissed out to him and Ross instantly nudged me, shaking his head.

"Stop.." He whispered, I looked down at him and saw his hopeful and concerned expression. I instantly simmered so that my anger wasn't as apparent now.

Sam snorted, turning away as he mumbled something. I heard my name.

And. I. Flipped.

"What!?" I hollered over to him, taking my arm from Ross to step over to the dickhead named Sam Strippin.

He faced me yet again, the most smug of grins on his lips, I wanted to fucking destroy him.

"Just said.. Not a surprise, you and uh, him," he motioned towards my man, who was stood back with Zoey and Kim at this point. He looked saddened. I wasn't having that.

"I beat you once Sam. Remember that?" I reminded him with a warning glare.

"Yeah, over your 'precious' pretty boy.. " He hissed at me and I went to step closer, but Chris came and stood levelly in front of my feet.

"Smith.. Please?" Chris looked at me with a concerned expression, pressing his palm to my chest.

I just nodded and the two of us backed down. It was already awkward as fuck, and I made it worse.

We then agreed to go in two groups, in my group was Ross, Zoey, Kim, Lewis and Simon.

The other was left with Katie, Chris, Sam and Hannah.

We were meant to go together but there was no chance after what I just caused. I felt bad.

The others in our group wondered off ahead and I turned to Ross, who looked so low.

"Rossy? Come here.." I mumbled with a light, unintentional pout, pulling him to my wing again.

Suddenly, Ross pushed me away rather harshly.

"Ross..?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly as the movement actually hurt me deep in my chest.

"Give up, Smith.." He just mumbled before walking ahead, hands slumped in his pockets.

He was pissed at me and had every reason to be. Now it was even more awkward.

Ain't no way he's getting away that fucking easy..

"Hey, Ross!" I called before jogging to catch him up.

I made a promise to myself there and then to make this day fucking amazing for him, so that I could make up for my performance earlier. Even if he did try to push me away, I refused to give in.


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