I promise.

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Warning: Violence/Emotional
Alex's P.O.V
I walked to the kitchen to see the amazing sight of Ross cooking. I smiled a little as I simply admired him before taking a seat on the stool at the counter.

He greeted me with a smile. "Ross' amazing pancakes should be ready in about five minutes!" He chirped.

Such a morning person..

"You have no idea how wrong that sounded.." I commented, laughing to myself slightly. He just rolled his eyes, as he always did.

"You staying again tonight?" He asked, raising a brow as he plated up the pancakes.

"Yeah sure," I answered casually, even though on the inside I could not be happier, "I'm going out for a bit though I think.. Got to buy some stuff."

"Drugs?" Ross asked bluntly, lathering the dishes with syrup.

For fucks sake.

"Nope.. I was planning on getting you something actually," I answered with a sigh, "should I bother?"

Ross looked at me with a gloomy expression, "Sorry..." He pouted, passing me a dish before sitting beside me.

"S'alright, lovely," I answered, nudging him with my elbow in attempt to cheer him up a little.

"What you getting then?" He asked me, beginning to tuck in.

"A movie.. We can both enjoy it, it will be amazing," I told him with a smile, speaking with my mouth full of great tasting breakfast.

"Sounds nice.. I guess I'll clean up a bit whilst you're out." He told me in a contented tone, "be safe whilst you're out."

"Always am." I replied, sending him a wink as I finished off my breakfast.


Alex's P.O.V
I walked around town later on that day. I would have taken my hoodie with me but Ross has apparently claimed it.

I made my way up to the blockbusters to find something good to watch. No shitty romances or shitty comedies. And Ross hates horror.

My eyes skimmed the shelves as I got there, my fingertips dusting over the sides of the dvd cases as I read them all.

Action films.. This is my shit.

I picked up a few marvel films, particularly excited for watching The Avengers with Ross. He's more of a DC guy.. I'll change that.

I went and signed up my rent for them. Even though I knew I wouldn't return them. I never do.

I took the plastic bag in my hand and left the store. It was raining ever so slightly, I pulled my beanie so that it covered my ears and I began jogging.

Once again I had not dressed for the weather, both my bare arms were on show. I'm a fucking idiot.

A car drove past and had drenched me in freezing water. And yes, I did swear and him constantly even though, looking back, it was probably an accident.

I finally reached Ross' home and I buzzed at the gate to be let in.. Weird, I left the gate open.

I waited, and waited and waited.. Nothing.

"Fuck.." I muttered to myself before throwing the bag over the gate so it landed on the other side. I climbed over the gate carelessly, landing hard on my back as I slipped on a bad.

Well done Alex smith.

I jogged up to the porch, realising the door was open. "Shit!" I snapped, realising something was going on.

I dropped the bag outside and practically darted inside. "Ross?!" I yelled, my fists clenched by my side.

"Help!" I heard Ross' whimper from the living room.

I wasted no time and I ran in there. I saw a sight that pained me to see, and all I saw was red.

There stood Sam Strippin holding Ross to the ground with a fist to his face.

"You fucking little bitch," I spaced out my words as I clenched my teeth. Strippin let go of him immediately and backed up.

"Calm down, I just needed to talk to the guy.. I'll go," he said with his hands up as if he was surrendering.

I wasn't done with him.

I took no time in grabbing him by the shirt as I pinned him up to the wall. The force caused some paintings to fall from the surface.

"Don't ever come back here again, I never want to see your dumb fucking face again. And as for Ross, if you even -look- at him, I will kill you. Don't you dare think I won't." I growled through gritted teeth, letting him go before punching him hard across the face, his nose becoming busted.

"You're a fucking pansy anyway mate, no wonder you got kicked out. Was probably for bumming your own step dad, fucking queer," Sam squinted at me as he held his face.

I felt sick to my stomach by his words and all I could see was red. I punched him unbelievably hard in the ribs several times, he fell to the ground and I mounted him. I swung left to right across his face, he struggled, but there was no moving me at this point.

"stop! Stop!" Ross whimpered out as he grabbed my shoulders.

I looked up to see him crying and my heart sunk to see him like that. I got off of Sam who's face was completely covered in blood. Sam scrambled to leave, running away from the house. I felt better knowing he wouldn't be coming back soon. But I felt like shit as Ross had to see that.

I stepped closer to him and just wrapped my arms around him, holding him close to my chest. "I shouldn't have left you here," I said out of guilt, he pulled back and looked up at me, revealing a bruised eye.

He stepped back, covering his face "don't look at me.. I don't want you to see me like this.." He sobbed through his hands.

I shook my head, pulling his hands from his face. "You're fine, broken or bruised, your fine. I'm gonna look after you, I can promise you that. That will never, ever happen again!"

"Promise?" He asked looking up at me with big eyes.

"I promise."

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