Nowhere to go.

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Ross' P.O.V
Later on that day, I sat down calmly on the couch with my boyfriend's hand in my own. I was counting down the minutes until my mother's scheduled arrival.

I turned my head to my auburn haired boyfriend, smiling to him as he smiled back at me. I think he was just as nervous as I was to be perfectly honest.

I opened my mouth to speak but I heard the front door open.

I froze.

I looked to Alex, who gave me a reassuring nod that everything would be okay. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I let go of his hand when I heard the sound of heels scuffing on the floor.

"Ross~?" I heard her sing my name before walking around the corner to see us sat down on the couch, a wide grin appearing on her face.

"There you are!" She exclaimed happily, her brown hair was a little messy from the weather and she was wearing her meeting clothes. She must be freezing.

She opened her arms up and I practically ran into them, I missed her the past few months.

"Hey, mum.. Missed 'ya" I told her as I smiled into her embrace, and she squeezed me tightly in her arms.

She pulled back after a while, still holding me slightly. I saw her turn her face to see Alex. She did like Alex, even though she hated the fact that he was a 'bad influence on me.'

"Alex!" She smiled to him and he stood up and smiled back at her, "haven't seen you in years! How's your mother?" She asked him, oblivious to the fact that he'd been kicked out.

"Well uh--" I went to explain but Alex luckily cut me off.

"She's good," he answered simply and I felt a weight off of my shoulders.

"So how was your trip?" I asked as I turned to look up at her again, smiling as I held back my nervousness for my confession yet to come.

"It was alright, apart from my flight being delayed.. Oh-- that reminds me! I have news for you!" She said so cheerfully, pulling me to sit down next to her on the couch. She reached into her watched but I stopped her.

"Can we.. Talk? I have something to tell you?" I asked her and she looked at me with the most confused expression.

"Ross, love, it will take a minute I'm sure--" she went to once again insist on talking about herself.

"No," I told her rather sternly, I'd never usually talk to her like this, "it's really important to me.."

She simpered ever so warmly, "what is it?"

I looked to Alex and he grinned slightly, his eyes looking into mine to give me some guidance.

"I've wanted to tell you for a while and.. I've ended up falling in love with someone. And they really are the only person I want," I took a breath, her smile faded slightly. "They're all that I need and I've been the happiest I have ever been for a long time.. And I can't hide who I am anymore, mum.. And I can't hide him either. Not from anybody. I love him more than anything and there's nothing I can do about it, and I don't want to change that either.."

She looked down as soon as I said the pronoun. I couldn't tell where it was going next.

"And it just so happens that he's in the room with us today.." I took a minute to pause, "I'm gay, mum.." A tear rolled down my cheek as I said this.

I looked to her and she began sobbing, she didn't say a word. I grew extremely worried rather quickly. "M-mum..?" I stuttered and she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry Ross," she began and my heart beat quickened in my chest, "but you can't stay here if what you're saying is true.." She sobbed, her own words seemed to be hurting the both of us.

"B-but why?" I asked, as I had hyped myself up for some reassurance and she shattered that in seconds.

"I can't have this going on in my house, it's against everything I stand for.." She began, edging away from me slightly. "You've chosen this, I'm sorry Ross but you cannot stay. And neither can he,"

"I have nowhere to go?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"You can come back when you're not with him or having these feelings. I'll give you some money you just need to leave, by tonight."

I went to speak but my hand was grabbed by no other than Alex smith, causing me to get up and stand proudly beside him.

"He hasn't chosen anything," Alex began, staring at her directly in the eyes, "it's who he is and if you can't overlook that, you don't deserve him. He's the best person I know and he's one of the most genuine, nice, smart and beautiful person to walk this earth. Your words are utter bullshit, and I don't even want to stay here anymore," he gripped my hand tighter. "We will leave tonight, and you can find us when you realise that this is real," he professed, looking down at our hands, "he's always been this way and as have I, it shouldn't be different just because he decided to tell you something personal that doesn't affect you directly in any way, shape or form."

We looked down at her and she didn't say a word.

"Call him when you realise how fucking stupid you're being, good day."

Looks like everything I feared had come true in a matter of minutes.. It hurts.

Author's note:
Hey guys :) hope you're enjoying the story.

Just letting you all know, I leave for a holiday on the 11th of this month. I get back a week from then. I'm going to write some more whilst I'm away and hopefully upload them if I have Internet. If not, don't worry! I'll soon be back uploading consistently again when I'm back home.

Don't forget to vote and drop a comment if you want, let me know how you think Ross and Alex will cope now they have been sent on their own.

Jerrux =)

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