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Alex's P.O.V
I held Ross in my arms lovingly, honestly so damn thankful for him being just the way he is. Which is accepting, loving, funny, considerate.. Damn... What has he done to me?

"I love you.." I whispered into his hair as he laid on my chest, probably saying that for the one hundredth time in the past hour.

"Stop.. I know you do and I love you too, how many times will you say it?" He asked sleepily, his eyes closed as he attempted to relax in my embrace.

"Until I don't feel guilty.." I told him truthfully, as I undoubtedly still get shitty for doing what I did.. And that was doing nothing.

"Alex," he sat up so he was straddling my lower torso and I looked up at him. He took both of my hands in his and intertwined our fingers. "You were emotional at the time, confused. I know how it happened and I understand why it did too.." He comforted me, he was right.

"Sorry.." I said out of pure guilt, I couldn't help but feel bad still.. Even though he thinks I shouldn't.

"Shut up," he leaned down to kiss me sweetly, tilting his head slightly as he did so.

I happily kissed him back and exhaled through my nose, my feeling of regret from earlier beginning to die down. After a while I pulled back slightly and he rested back down into my embrace.

"You know I care," he reassured and I nodded, ruffling through his hair with my fingertips.

I smiled to myself, feeling a little calmer about the whole situation now. "M'gonna do something nice for you tomorrow," I told him truthfully, knowing that his mother returned two days from now.

He smiled sweetly and hummed against my chest before shutting his eyes and asking ever so innocently, "can we sleep now?"

I chuckled at his natural adorableness, "we can," I told him as I pecked at his forehead, holding him closer to my body.

Ross' P.O.V
I woke up to find myself engulfed in Alex's warmth, breathing in his scent as I didn't want to open my eyes, but I had to anyway.

I looked up at Alex who was still soundly asleep, I smiled to myself as I traced over his tattooed, muscular arm with my fingertip. It was a feature of his that I honestly adored.

I climbed off of the taller man's body after a while cautiously, being careful to not wake him as he looked so bloody peaceful.

I walked down the stairs quietly and hopped into the kitchen as my stomach rumbled vigorously.

I took it upon myself to begin preparing breakfast for both of us. I planned on making omelettes, putting bacon in smiths and just spice in my own.

I walked over to the stove and began to cook both of our dishes at the same time. I quietly whistled to myself, helping me concentrate a lot more on the actual cooking.

I felt a warm arm embrace my lower torso from behind, "morning," I felt smith's soft lips press against my cheek.

"Morning," I told him as I blushed, his head now rested on my shoulder as I continued to cook for us.

"Smells good," he nodded against my shoulder, looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Only the best quality for Alex Smith!" I told him cheerfully as I moved away from his grasp.

"Looks good too.." He said rather deviously, watching me as I played up our breakfasts.

"Thank you," I told him as I sent him a smile, turning around to face him again as I set them down on the breakfast bar.

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