Kiss me.

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Warning: Emotional!
Ross' P.O.V
Alex and I spent a few hours just sitting around listening to music. He sat down as he seemed to be drawing something in one of my notepads that had never been touched before.

"What are you drawing?" I asked, taking a sip from my Pepsi can that was left from another takeaway we shared earlier.

"S'nothing.. A tattoo idea, not too sure about it yet," he looked up at me and shrugged, continuing to doodle down on the paper.

"Can I see it?" I asked, even though I wasn't a fan of tattoos personally, but they always looked good on him. And he draws them all himself, which is bloody brilliant.

Smith smirked, looking up at me as he raised a brow "not until it's finished and inked to my arm.." He then continued to draw.

"Come on, you know I don't like surprises.." I whined and my words trailed off, he just chuckled and shrugged. "Sounds like a you problem.." He answered back cockily, not even bothering to look up at me. I rolled my eyes with an effortless chuckle.

I couldn't help but think about where he had been staying for the past week, considering that he was homeless the last time I checked. "Where did you stay after you left here? Has your mum let you back yet?" I asked, swirling the Pepsi around in the can as I asked him.

"Has she fuck," he answered saltily, "she's too hung up over her new boyfriend. He hates me too.. I stayed at Sam's but I hated it after like three days. I can kind of see why you dislike him so much.." He admitted, you could tell that he hated being wrong.

"Sorry to hear," I started, he often talked about his mum and all the men she seems to meet. I feel bad for him really.. and her too. "What was so bad about Sam's place?"

Smith closed the notepad and put it beside him along with the pencil and inhaled deeply. "He lives in a shit hole and brings home his stoner friends and they literally don't leave you the fuck alone. Not to mention that he brings so many girls back and they are just all over you and it isn't enjoyable. Sam is different when he's with his other friends, he was such a dick. I wanted to punch him one night.." Smith snapped. Sounded like he had a bad time the past week and he was frustrated about it.

"Why did you want to punch him? What did he say?" I asked, confused as smith seemed to me that he was very close with the guy.

Alex's P.O.V


The part Ross didn't know is that Sam had started talking shit about him and Trott.. Mainly him. Sam got really drunk and was slagging him in front of the boys who constantly give Ross shit at school. Did I want to tell Ross that Sam was saying things about him and make him fee bad? No. But did I want to lie to him? Not at all.

"He said some stuff about you and Trott when there was no need.." I sighed, being as sympathetic as I could as I knew Ross could be quite emotional.

"what did he say?" Ross asked innocently, looking at me with those blue eyes that you just cannot say no to.

"He was just saying stupid irrelevant shit.. Nothing to worry about, I told him to stop and he did. And when I say 'told' I mean hold my fist to his face because he's an arrogant cunt sometimes," I told him and he nodded.

"He sure is.. You didn't tell him about me, did you Alex?" He asked timidly and I shook my head fast.

"No, no. Not at all. I'd never.." My words trailed off as I remembered.. I told Trott, but I don't think Ross would mind.

"So you haven't told anyone, right?" He asked and chewed on his lips. I can't lie, it's not who I am.

"I told Trott," I said bluntly to get it over and done with. "I needed advice, I didn't know where I stood with you and I needed to talk to somebody and I'm sorry. Trott is fine with it and he also agreed that I shouldn't have--" Ross cut me off calmly from my rambling.

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