I love you.

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Ross' P.O.V
I woke up after possibly the best nights sleep I'd ever had before. Why? Because I slept the whole night with the company of Alex.

I still had butterflies from the kiss we had exchanged that night.. His kisses definitely felt magical.

I heard him quietly snoring, I smiled to myself as it was honestly quite adorable. I pulled my arm from him and he groaned in his sleep from the lack of warmth from where my arm was before.

I sat up in my bed, my face ached a little but it was definitely bearable.

I stretched out my arms and looked down at him with a smile, admiring the fact that he was indeed still by my side.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up, beginning to walk out of my bedroom.

I walked along the hallway lazily, my face and arms still aching a little bit. I reached the bathroom and shut the door quietly behind me.

I sat on my knees by the bath, beginning to run the hot water tap, mixing it with a little cold to so it would be the perfect temperature. I stuck my finger beneath the tap to feel for the temperature just to be sure.

I nodded with satisfaction and placed the plug in so it could slowly begin filling up. I sat back down on the back of my legs as I swirled my fingers around in the water.

I sighed, thinking about how much my life has changed these past few months. And thinking about how much my fucking face hurts.

I hummed a little to myself as I mixed in some blue bubble bath that smelt like lemongrass. I felt so infatuated as I watched the bath filling, my head resting on the side as I breathed in the scent.

When the bath had fully filled up, I stood up and began stripping down. Way less sexier than it sounds..

I stepped in foot by foot slowly, hesitantly testing to see if it was going to be hot. Just right.. I nodded to myself before lowering the rest of my body into the basin.

I laid back, my body just about fitting in. I tested my head on the back and let my eyes fall closed as I relaxed. I couldn't help but hum a little tune to myself as I lounged in the warm, bubbly water.

The scent smelt so nice and fresh, making all my aches, pains and worries kind of disappear for a little while. I didn't really think about anything and I kind of felt at peace for once in my life.

Alex's P.O.V
I woke up as I felt a little draft of cold air hit my face. My eyes fluttered open, my messy hair hanging in front of my eyes. I stretched my arms out and they clicked a little, relieving the stiffness.

I sighed as I little as mornings always seemed incredibly fucking heavy. "Ross?" I asked as my eyes familiarised the surroundings, rubbing my eyes as they honestly stung to be open.

I turned around the check on him, except he wasn't there.

Immediately my mind went to all the bad thoughts. Seems a little extreme I know but with what happened with Sam, there's no risking shit now.

I got up and noticed that the room was in the exact same state as we left it.. Extremely messy.

I calmed down a little before stepping out into the hallway. "Ro--" I began but I hushed myself as I heard a melodic hum that seemed to echo angelically. I slowed down and quieted my footsteps, walking closer to the door it was coming from. I pressed my ear to the oak door, smiling a little as I was comforted by the hums of no other than Ross Hornby.

I heard a few splashes and came to the conclusion that he was relaxing in a hot bath.. Sounds quite nice to be honest..

I knew that I shouldn't, but I couldn't resist messing with him.. It's just too fucking funny.

I grabbed the door handle in my hands, slowly opening the door a little bit. "Rossy.." I said in a teasing tone and immediately I heard a lot of frantic splashing.

"Smith!" He shouted and I peered around the door to find an adorable looking Ross covering himself with bubbles to hide his.. Bubbles..

I chuckled, grinning cheekily as I wiggled my eyebrows at him, "Morning..."

He squinted at me and pouted a little, "morning to you too.. Any reason for disturbing me?" He asked, trying to sound mad but he and I both knew that he could never be mad at me.

"I missed 'ya, that a crime?" I asked, and he blushed a little.

I just stepped in, kneeling down with my elbows resting on the tub as I looked at him. "Is this what you do when you're home alone then?" I asked him with a teasing smirk.

He shook his head, rolling his eyes as he sunk into the water a little, "very funny.."

"Wasn't trying to be.. I was genuinely curious but noo, everything Alex says is a pisstake!" I announced rather dramatically.

My face was then met by a warm splash of a watery substance.. Wouldn't be the first time.. Ha.


"Rossy! Play nice!" I shouted with a chuckle, rubbing my now-stinging eye.

He looked at me and giggled, simpering a little so his very admirable cheekbones that were now present. "Sorry.. I don't aim good," he said innocently and I just burst out laughing.

Only Ross would say something like that so obliviously.

Ross' cheeks soon turned red and he squirmed, shaking his head from left to right. "No, no, no!" He wailed at my continuous laughter, "filthy, filthy!" He repeated, causing my sides to ache a little at his little act.

"Oh," I said as I calmed down my laughter, shaking my head as I cupped his face in my hands, "I do love you Ross," I said as I sighed happily and he just smiled brightly, his eyes gazing up at my own.

"What?" He asked, although I didn't say it seriously, I sure meant it.

"You heard me," I told him with a grin, his whole face lighting up.

"Can I ask something?" He asked me rather seriously and I panicked a little.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," I told him reassuringly, not understand how the mood changed a little.

"Can you take me to go see Star Wars today?"

"Yes Ross.. Yes, I can."

Fucking Ross.

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