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Ross' P.O.V

About a week and a few days had gone by since I last saw smith. Or really seen anybody. I laid in my unusually untidy bedroom and stared around it. I was way too bored but way too lazy to actually want to do anything.

I looked to the side of my bed to find the box that contained the paints.

He clearly wants me to use them or keep them. The message wasn't exactly clear as crystal.

I sighed and laid under the covers. I was used to not seeing him for a while when he got suspended from school. But this seems different. I missed him.

I sat up, knowing there was no point in even checking my phone for a text from him.

But, fuck. I miss him.

Alex's P.O.V
The past week of sleeping on Sam's floor had gotten more boring and uneventful by the day. I debated going to see Ross at this point, so see if he had done anything with the package I gave him.

Sam had literally just been getting high all morning, as per usual. And usually I'd be down, but today I just didn't feel like it.

I didn't even bother to say goodbye to Sam. I felt sick of his company by now and I left his house and made my way down the cobbled street.

I tucked my hands into my hoodie pockets, my hood was raised as the weather was cold and damp as per usual. I sighed out, my breath was misty and appeared in front of me.

The street was dead apart from a few skaters on the corner of the shanty street, practising some shitty tricks that they thought were amazing. I could do better and I haven't skated in five years. I walked past them, giving a few of the cockier boys a cautious look as I did so.

I then made my way up the street that led on from them, pulling myself up onto a cold wall. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my lighter and cigarette pack, pulling out a slim cigarette. I placed the end in my lips, bringing the lighter up to it with a hand protecting it from the slight draft. I lit the cigarette and put my lighter away.

I placed one hand in my pocket and the other held the middle of the cigarette as I exhaled the smoke out. I continued to take in the tobacco, closing my eyes as I felt quite relaxed at this moment.

"Hey, Smith!" A familiar voice called from quite close to me. My eyes opened slowly and I saw no other that Chris Trott. "Hey, man," I answered rather groggily, considering I hadn't had s good nights sleep since I left Rossy's place. "You look like shit.." He commented and I raised a brow at him with a slight scowl. "Thanks, mate.." I answered, finishing off the cigarette before throwing it on the ground. Trott watched it fall with his eyes, looking back up as it hit the ground weightlessly. "Not feeling like picking up your phone?" He asked with a shrug, flicking his fringe from his eyes. I shook my head, my other hand now slipping in my pocket. "Lost it ages ago, mate.." I informed him, tucking my chin into my hoodie also. "The fucks happened to you? You look bloody homeless!" He exclaimed with a chuckle, pointing at me. I just smiled and shook my head, "shut up.. I am homeless, fucking idiot." I responded and he nodded as he remembered the fact I was kicked out almost two weeks ago.

"Well, I need --" I had to cut him off as I was pure curious. "Is Ross okay?" I asked, maybe sounding a little too concerned. Trott's shoulders raised again in a shrug, "Dunno, mate. He hasn't been answering texts or calls. I invited him to come to mine for some d&d but he never answered." That's weird, he's usually so down for d&d.. Even though I could never get into that shit. "That's not like him.. You tried visiting him?" I asked, knowing that Ross would surely be still in his house. Trott shook his head, "He wouldn't buzz me in!"

Damn. I need to tell Trott. He needs to know.

"Ross told me something.." I started, struggling to say it as I was in no position to tell Trott about Ross' personal shit. "What did he tell you?" He asked, realising I was being fully serious now. "He ended up getting drunk.. He said some shit and I asked him about it the next morning and it turned out to be true. He told me to leave and I haven't seen him since.. No wonder he did make me leave, I asked him something you should never really ask anyone." Trott raised a brow, his lips pressed together slightly, "what did he say? What did you ask, smith?" He asked and I sighed, preparing myself for the following sentence. "He's gay.. And I forced it out of him and I feel shitty about it," I answered in a disappointed tone. Seriously, what was I thinking to straight up ask him if he was gay. I'm still mentally kicking myself over it.

"Oh?" Trott answered as he raised his brows, I don't think he was shocked either, "well that's fine, seriously I have nothing against it obviously.. But why would you ask him?" He asked me with quite a whiny tone. I shook my head and looked down to my feet, "I was curious, I had to know.. I wasn't thinking properly, I don't know.." I spoke quite morbidly, getting even more mad at myself for what had happened.

"Go talk to him, smith. Considering you're the only one who is meant to know about this.." Trott sighed, knowing this was all just a huge mess.

"He probably hates me," I said with hate that I sounded sorry for myself.

"He couldn't hate you. You're his best friend."

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