In love the whole time.

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Alex's P.O.V
I held the bruised boy in my arms as he sobbed a little, a frozen pack of peas on his face to calm down the swelling caused by my cunt of a friend.. Well, old friend.

We laid on his bed as we watched some of the films I had rented. Even though I could barely focus on the film as Ross was crying and my blood was still boiling from earlier.

"It will be okay, Ross.." I mumbled to him softly as he nuzzled into me.

Once again, I hated hugs.. To begin with.

He nodded against my chest, putting the pack of peas down to probably sit more comfortably.

"What happened?" I asked as we hadn't really spoke much after that. It wasn't awkward, the situation was just depressing as fuck..

"He said I was keeping you from him.. He wanted to know where you was and I told him you weren't here and he didn't believe me.." He told me and I shook my head, chewing on my lip as I tried to contain my anger.

"He won't be coming back. But even if he does, I'm not leaving your side again.. No way, that shit was crazy," I told him honestly, the memory still paining me a little.

"I still hate you seeing me like this.." He told me and I hated him for that. Well, not actually hated him but.. You know what I mean.

"Shut up, I'm here no matter what condition. You're fine no matter what form," I told him as I pulled back to meet his baby blue eyes with my own.

Baby blue..

He looked down, his eyebrows furrowing with sadness. This was truly a saddening sight.

I knew now that I cared for this boy. And I cared for him more than I could ever do for myself of anyone else. I knew at this point that I loved him, a lot. I just didn't know how to really tell him that.

"Don't look so sad, Ross you're too much of a good person to be sad over a cunt like him," I told him and I meant every word.

He brought a hand up and placed it on my jaw softly. His fingertips gently brushed over the stubble on my face. "I feel safe with you, Alex.." He told me, swallowing the lump in his throat.

I bit my lip, bringing my fingertips to the back of his head, twirling them in his brunette locks. "You should, I'm going to look after you from now on. Okay?" I told him with a smile.

If anyone saw me being this affectionate, they'd probably not believe it. But I guess he brought out this side of me..

"Thank you," he told me as he looked up at me before sending me a little grin, resting back onto me again.

Fuck.. I love him.

He sat and happily watched the film. I couldn't even look at the screen at all, I was too adamantly focused on staring at him as my heart fluttered again.. I wasn't used to the feeling, but I definitely enjoyed this. I enjoyed being with him.

I felt an urge to just hold him again, caress him even. Tell him how I felt maybe..

What is wrong with me? I've never had those feelings for anyone or anything.

He giggled and a comical part in the film. I found myself just smiling fondly down at him.. Probably looked a bit creepy but I couldn't give a fuck at this point, because he was with me.

"Ross.." I whispered, my heart beating incredibly fast, my hand caressing his cheek as he faced me.

"Ale--" he began, sounding confused. But I had completely cut him off by pressing our lips together.

Nothing can beat this feeling.. It's a sensation.

I seemed to had gotten carried away again and I pushed him down on the bed. I hovered over him this time, not laying on him this time. I kissed him quite hard, my eyes were completely shut at this point. I tilted my head, taking in the warmth of his lips. I exhaled through my nose slowly, infatuated with the feeling of his lips on mine.

My hand began slipping up his shirt but he stopped, "Alex.." He leaned back. I opened my eyes to find him staring back at me.

I took it too far.. Well done.

"Sorry.. I just got carried away," I explained, shaking my head at my actions as I looked down at him.

"No.. I liked it, just not now.. My head's too heavy.." He told me and looked down, chewing his lip worriedly.

"I get it," I told him honestly. I should have really thought that one through before trying to feel him up, but he wasn't mad.. That was the important thing. "Let's get you to bed, baby blue.." I told him with a little smirk and he just chuckled at me.

We both climbed underneath the covers and I faced towards the painted wall. We decided to leave the film playing so the room wasn't in complete silence and darkness. Ross was scared of the dark, after all..

I closed my eyes and I felt a body curl up behind me, throwing an arm around me fondly. "Night Ross.." I told him as I smiled to myself.

I quite like being spooned.

"Night Alex.." He whispered sleepily back to me, his face nuzzled into the back of my neck.

I don't know what this feeling is.. It's all so confusing. But what I do know is that I'm in love with a boy named Ross Hornby. And I have been this whole time.

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