Friend or foe?

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Alex's P.O.V
Alsmiffy->Trottimus: We need to talk, now.

Trottimus: Yeah, we do.. My place at two?

Alsmiffy: Yh.

Trottimus: You mad at me?:(

Alsmiffy: Dumb question.

Trottimus: :( See you.


I made my way to Chris' house and Ross stayed at home, playing a few video games. I took the liberty of hiding his laptop after I received the anonymous messages, so he wouldn't read the comments and do something stupid whilst I was away.

I approached his house, cigarette lit I between my lip as I inhaled and exhaled slowly, my anger burning inside of me like a candle.

I knocked at the door harshly before sipping my cold hands into my hoodie again, continuing to take in the heat from my lips.

"Smith.." He said with shame as he opened up the door, peering around it.

His eyes had bags underneath them and he sounded groggy. Guess he hadn't slept either. Good.

I simply raised my eyebrows at him sharply and he stood out of the way and motioned for me to enter.

I did so, throwing my hood down as I now grasped the lit cigarette in my fingers.

"Could you.. Put that out? Katie hates the smell.." He asked timidly, referring to his girlfriend.

I scowled as faced him as he closed the door. I put out the cigarette on his wall, creating a mark.

I'm not a dick, but I mean business.

We walked into his living room and sat across from each other.

"There's a lot to be said.." He begun, at least he wasn't denying this.

"Then say it," I told him sharply and loudly, my jaw locked as I concentrated on not losing my shit.

This story better be believable or I will fucking destroy him, this should've been unforgivable.

"I told katie.. S-she wanted to know, I can't lie to her.. She always had a hunch about him being gay and shit and she was curious so I told her and mentioned that you had something going on. She found it quite interesting and actually wanted to talk to you both about it but I told her she couldn't.. She then proceeded to talk to me about it until I got bored of her asking me the same shit over and over.. She told Hannah. Katie didn't know that Hannah hated you.. Hannah told everybody, but she is not the one on that account.. I'm sure of that,"

He confessed to me and I couldn't be mad. It wasn't his fault.. He couldn't lie to his partner, I would have done the same. It's not Katie's fault either for being interested she just.. Trusted the wrong girl.

I hung my head and collapsed into my hands, my head hurting from the current situation.

"I'm sorry, Alex.. She wanted to know," he said sorrowfully and I looked up at him, my head resting on a fist as my eyes shamefully began to well up.

"It's fine.. She just told the wrong person, that's all.." I shook my head as I reassured him, I should have known that my best friend wouldn't have told all those people..

Ross' P.O.V
Alex had been gone for about two hours now and he was ignoring my calls and constant messages. I grew worried.

"Hey, it's Al. Leave a message, probs won't listen to it but, whatever," Echoed his answer machine message for the hundredth time.

I sighed, giving up as I put my phone in my pocket.

I walked over to my living room window and stared out, thoughts about what happened online last night trying to fight their way in but they failed, I blocked them out.

I looked down and remembered something.. I completely hadn't called Kim back. She tried to help and I ignored her. She was my best friend and in all honestly I didn't know that I was slowly forgetting her at this point.

I picked up my phone again, sitting on the window ledge as I began typing to her via text messaging, the only place where I was safe from harassment, so it seemed.

You: Hey, kim.


Kim: Hey, Ross! You alright?

Ross: yeah.. Uh, thanks for everything you did.. Thanks for informing me so that I was aware

Kim: Thats what friends are for!:)

Ross: About that.. Would you like to come over? Have a coffee and catch up, we haven't talked since school ended :/

Kim: I'd love that! I'll be right over!

Ross: but, Kim?

Kim: Yeah?

Ross: Don't tell anyone you're coming.. I can't deal with people hassling you about me too.

Kim: I can handle it but sure, it's our secret :)

Ross: Thanks :))

Alex's P.O.V
"You're crazy.." Trott told me as we stood outside of Hannah's house, facing towards it.

"No, I'm just sick of her," I told him sternly, my eyebrows raised as I clenched my teeth together.

"Katie's 'gonna kill me if she finds out that I told you where her best friend lives.. It's a little creepy, saying it out loud," Trott muttered under his breath but I really didn't care.

"Stay out here, incase things get messy.. Leave the car running," I told him before beginning to walk to the door but he held me back.

"Smith, don't kill anybody, you're sounding so crazy right now!" He told me worriedly before letting me walk up the stairs to the front door.

I raised a hand to knock on it and did so. Looking back to Trott as I gave him one final nod before the door opened up.

Her face appeared from the door, she looked shocked. She wasn't expecting me, idiot.

"Hannah," I said her name with hate and sharpness, fighting my urge to want to shout in her face.

"Alex, why are you--" she began, eyeing me up and down as she asked innocently.

"You know why, let me in." I instructed and she did so, stepping back as I walked through.


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