Mia Evans

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Mia pov

Hi! I am Mia Evans! I am 15 years old. My father is one of Lord Kidd's first weapons, soul eater Evans. Mama is the one who helped him get there, maka evans. Anyways, I have long white hair, And red eyes. When I was born they were green. But then they changed red. I like it better this way. I look cool. Like dad! I got mamas smarts, and dads coolness. I am a weapon like, well both of my parents. I have an annoying little brother who is 11. Who I wish I could sell. But enough about what I look like, and how horrible my brother is. I go to the DWMA following in dad and mamas footsteps. I'm doing preeeetty well, if I say so myself! Mama and dad are real proud! But what I'm not doing to well in is, social communication. I hate people! Kidd says if I want to improve my grades, which are at the top! Then I have to have a Meister. I've done pretty well by myself, but kidd insists on getting a partner and some friends. Which I have been procrastinating on. So kidd says I will get expelled if I don't. So I have to. But who? I'm surrounded by idiots. I hate everyone. I could start with mamas and dads friends kids, but I don't know... And even mama and dad think I should make friends! I don't know what is so important about friends.

"Alice wanna come over to my house after school?" Aya asks.

"Sure! Can't wait!" Alice replies walking away. I stand up from the bench I was sitting on and start walking to my locker to get my stuff for first period. I'm that person that everyone looks up to and wants to be, but doesnt have any friends. I sit down in class, next to jennean. She thinks she is my friend but really I just ignore her as she rants about drama and boys. When she asks a question I just say uhuh. Then she will continue blabbering. Every now and then I'll actually talk to her. When I say talk I mean be sarcastic.

"Mia! Kidd wants you in the death room." Sid says from across the room. I nod and stand up. I walk down the stairs and out the hall. I see a blond haired boy named tiko.

"Hey mia!" He waves. I smile with my sharp teeth. He chuckles. I walk to the death room. Symmetrical. Lord kidd is facing his son. They are talking. He turns around.

"Mia! I have thought that if you want to keep going to the DWMA then you should have a partner. But first start out with some friends. This is my son. I thought you two could 'hang out'" kidd says weirdly.

"Dad don't say it like that." Kidd's son says annoyed. I laugh.

"Why are we out of class?" I ask a little confused.

"Because break is in...." Kidd waits for 6 seconds until the bell rings."now."

"You could have said 6 seconds instead of sitting there awkwardly." Kidd's son says rolling his eyes.

"No. I could at 8 seconds. But it was 6, not 8. 6 is not symmetrical! You should like symmetry like me!" Kidd yells at his son

"Symmetry is boring!" His son yells back. I laugh a little

Kidd clears his throat. "Anyways. Go have fun." Kidd points to the entrance. I sigh and bow to Kidd's son.

"Ladies first!" I say he laughs.

"Thank you sir!" He laughs more. Eh he is OK so far.

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