Kei/ Rei Thompson

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Rei POV (right)

I'm rei. I'm 15. My parents are crona and patty. I have my older sister and twin brother. I'm younger. Yeah. Pretty weird. But I love him. But what I don't like is that I'm nothing like my parents. I'm the only one in the family that doesnt act super sad or super crazy. I'm just boring. That's what everyone says. No one likes boring. They like crazy and random. Like my older siblings. Its just not fair. As much as I try to get in with my family, I just can't. I feel so left out, so.... Different. Even from my twin brother! But I go to the DWMA. I want to be like mom. Very powerful. With my sister as my Meister. Shooting keishins with me and my brother as guns. And some day, I will be like my mom. As powerful as she was! I will fit In

I walk from my sister and brother annoyed. I walk to my locker. I hear laughter from them. I grab my stuff and head to the next hall. We got here late, so breakfast will start soon. I hear my siblings call my name in the distance. I roll my eyes and keep walking. The bell rings. People spill out of classrooms. I sit in the cafeteria waiting for kei and mika. But I can't find them. I hear gasps outside in the hall. I stand up and walk over.

"Dumb ass!" Someone pushed mika over and was yelling. Kei stands in front of them but they punch him. I run over to save them.

"Hey! What the fuck!" I yell. He laughs. He swings at me and I easily dodge.

"Let's take this outside!" He yells.

"No. Just say sorry!"

"Why should I? They are so weak that their little brother has to save them. What cowards." I look at mika and kei.

"Fine. Someone get a witness."

"I'm already here." Kim says behind me.

"Fine. Let's go."

Kei POV (left)

Hi hi! I'm kei. I'm 15! My twin brother is rei! And my big sister mika! And my parents patty! And crona! Well until his death. Yes he died. From the madness. Mika and rei don't talk about it much. But I miss him. I loved my dad. He told me that we are the reason he was happy. He said that he needed us. I mad dad happy. And forget about his past. Until his madness got so bad it took over his soul. I miss him. I go to the DWMA! I know mika has madness. Passed down from dad. Everyone has it, but she has more. And I go to the DWMA to prevent mika from getting taken over by the madness. I'll help her. My soul calms people down. So I will be with her at all times. Because that accident can't happen again.

We walk outside. People stand to watch them fight. The guy that pushed mika turns his arm to a spear. Rei stands there. The guy chases rei. He swings. Rei dodges. Rei punches the side of his head. The guy falls to the ground. He stands back up and swings at his stomach. Rei jumps on his spear arm then jumps again and kicks his face. He flies to the wall and falls.

"Mika, kei. Would you like to finish?" Rei asks. I look at kim. She nods. I walk over there with mika. Since I'm nice I just kick his leg kinda hard. The guy stands up to swing but mika kicks him in the balls. He falls to the ground and cries.

"To easy." Rei says turning around. Walking inside.

"Pussy" mika says. I laugh and walk inside with them.

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