Worry No More

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Mia pov

I look up to see Kidd

"Kidd!" I say surprised. I looks at me. He grabs my chin.

"Mia... Tell Liz I love her. Tell your family and everyone else, goodbye. Tell Jr, that he will be great, and do great things..... For me.... And Mia. Take care of my son. I know you will" he lets go and touches Jr.'s face.

"what are you doing?" I ask him. His body gets lighter like he is, disappearing into the thin air. His body breaks away like glass and is swept away by the wind. There Is a bright light as his is completely gone. "Kidd?" I ask. I hear moans behind me. I look around and everybody starts to wake up. Their wounds healing slowly. I look at Jr in hopes of his survival. His white lines are now all the way around his head. He opens his eyes.

"ow" he says. I smile

"Jr!!!!!" I scream and hug him. He hugs me back. He looks at me and we kiss.

"yay!" Mika yells kissing atticus. "kisses!" She laughs. Atticus blushes. I look at Jr who is now alive.

"how am I alive?" Jr asks. Everybody surrounds us.

"where is the keishin?" Scratch asks

"Jr killed him... Alone. But Jr died and uh..... I look over to where Kidd was. And all that was left was the black coat thing that lord death before Kidd wore.

"oh" Jr lowly speaks. He grabs it and puts It on. "father thank you" Jr says. Every one is quiet.

" he said you will be great, and do great things..... For him...." I look down. "also said goodbye. And that he loved Liz.... But he's gone" I look up crying a little. Jr nods. I stand up next to him.

"we did it." I say.

"yeah. But I'm the new shinigami" Jr says disappointed.

"dont worry Jr. You'll do great things" Mika smiles

"yeah. For dad" Jr says.

"the keishin.... Its dead?" Gold asks

"yes..... We won" shad answers.

"we did it. And next time there is a monster to be killed. We will do it again and again. Together" katsu says.

"your coming to Nevada?" Kei asks.

"yes we are" tanjiro says.

"so we can have the burial with leiko, ai, rei, and rinji there" tomeo says.

"and a memorial for mikazuki." Jr says. "she is gone. Forever. She will not come back" I nod in dissatisfaction.

"lets go home" kairi smiles.

"come on guys. We won. We deserve a break. Stop worrying!" I grin. "we got this!"

"yeah" everybody laughs. But soon enough look down again, sad about our friends deaths.

"its ok...." Jr looks at the clear sky. "they wont want us to worry. They'll wont us to learn from their deaths and keep going. Being stronger and braver than ever before." Jr looks at us smiling. "worry no more. I'm the shinigami. Your lord and I say worry no more" he smiles. "ill protect you" we all look up at him and nod.

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