Kairi Nakatsukasa

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Kairi POV

I'm kairi. I'm 16. My parents are blackstar and tsubaki. My sisters are golden and shadow star. I am a weapon. My Meister is my sister shadow. I inherited all the shadow weapons from mom. So my sister gets jealous she isn't a weapon. And she hates my adopted sister golden. And my parents fight. But I'm like mom. I'm nice and I help people with there problems. Its natural. My family has a lot of problems. So naturally I help. But its so much stress put on my shoulders. I can't handle it anymore. But hey all expect me to fix it. I can't let them down! They need someone to fix it, or everything will go to hell. I go to DWMA. So I can get stronger for my family. So I can protect them. And keep mom and dads reputation. Because I can't let them down. Ever.

I walk in the school. With shad by my side. She sighs.

"Another day huh?" She says

"Yup! Isn't it great!" I say sarcastic. I walk in. So far so good. I sneak around the corner. Shad right behind Me. I open my locker. And just what I expected. A huge pile of notes fall to the ground.

"So popular with the guys aren't you?" Shad says angered.

"Yeah." I sigh. I pick up a note. I open it and start reading it.

Kairi, please be mine! Check yes or no.

Yes.           No.

I throw it in the trash can full of love notes.

"Kairi is here!" A guy yells, and he chases after me. Then guys from other rooms come out looking at me with heart eyes.

"Um shad. We should go." I say grabbing her arm. We run into the girls Locker room.

"Well we have p.e anyways.". Me and shad get undressed for gym. And a girl whistles at me. I blush.

"Wow even popular with the girls." Shad says putting her clothes on

"That's not a good thing." I glare.

"Whatever. Let's go." Shad leaves. I sigh. I shut my locker.

"Not all guys like me you know shad..." I whisper sadly.

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