Pretty Amazing

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Gold POV

"Bye! Mia!" Scratch hangs up.

"Mom?! Can grandpa still fix things?!" I ask my mom.

"Yeah why?" Mom walks in my room

"Scratch called his window broke. They need it fixed"

"Oh scratch called you? Oooh I'm glad. That boy is so handsome! I would love to have grandkids from that young man!"

"No mom!"

"He loves you very much!"

"Noooo!" I roll on my bed. Mom giggles

"Yeah I'll give your grandpa a call! Only for your boyfriend though!"

"Mom no"

"Hello? Tsubaki? Where's dinner?" Dad calls to mom

"Oh black star honey, did you pick up the girls?"

"Yeah." I walk to the living room to see dad. "Hey gold!" Dad starts to wrestle with me. I charge at his waist. He falls and holds me. He gives me a noogy. I start laughing. Then my sisters walk in. Kairi looks guilty. And shadow looks very upset. Like a meteor hit her temporary imaginary friend. She looks at me and dad. She quickly turns her head

"Humph!" She walks in her room and slams the door. Dad stands up

"Uh oh." Mom says. "What happened this time?" Mom asks Kairi. She shrugs her shoulders. Dad goes to her room and shuts the door. They argue. She has to give him 20 push ups. Easy though. 200 is a challenge. He walks out a little later. I sit on the floor asking god why she hates me. Mom and Kairi chat. Dad eating steak. Shadow in her room silent. I stand up and walk to her door. Do I dare? Mom and Kairi watch me. I knock on her door.

"Out!" Shadow yells. I open the door anyways. She is laying facedown on her pillow. She turns around. "Ugh golden star get out!"



I start to turn around then I try to change her mind on hating me. "I did nothing to you! I love you! And you hate me! Why?! What did I do so terrible?! Your so evil! All I want to do is be your friend!" I yell. She stands up and slams the door in my face. I turn around tears half way down my face.

"Honey-" mom starts

"I'm going to the park!" I run outside. I walk to the park alone. I climb a tree and sit there and cry. No one is around. So I'm alone to cry to myself.


I wake up early morning because of the cold. I jump down and start walking. I don't want to go home so I'll just keep walking. My phone rings. I didn't realize I had it till now. I answer it

"Baby where are you?" My moms warm voice asks

"The park"

"OK good! Your dad was right. He told me you would be fine."

"Bye love you!" I hang up. I am close by the twins house, might as well say hi. I walk to there yellow colored house and knock. Mika immediately opens the door.

"Hi" she yells

"Hey" her brothers say behind her

"Hey! How's your spring break going?!" Patty asks as happy as ever

"Great ma'am."

"What?! Ma'am? That's silly!"

"Oh sorry!" I apologize.

"It's k. Um we are leaving to go to my sisters house for a visit. Sorry"

"Oh its fine I was just saying hi"

"Hey!" Mika says

"Well I'll go to scratches house bye" I leave fast

"Bye!" Mika yells shutting the door.

Talk about awkward! Never doing that again. They are lucky. Their mom let's them do whatever. They never get in trouble. And she always does stuff with them... Well I can't complain. My dads strict for my best. Mom is always kind.

Making my way down town! Walking fast! Followed by creeps. I sing in my head. I took a short cut to his house. Bad idea. This off road feels like someone is going to try to sell me drugs.

"Hey girl want drugs?" Some weirdo asks. I mentally face palm myself. I see his house a couple blocks from the end of the drug adicts road. I hurry there. So I don't get kidnapped for turning down the drugs earlier. I knock on his door. Scratch answers a little later.

"Hey!" He smiles.

"Hi!" I half smile

"Wanna come in?" I nod and step inside. His mom and dad are playing monopoly on the kitchen table.

"Gold come play!" Maka says

"Where's mia?"

"Grounded. Like a loser!" Soul jokes

"Sit down gold. Have some monopoly fun!" He winks. I smile and start playing.

"So what brings you here?" Scratch asks

"Oh just took a break from shads hatred." I smile

"Oh honey she's only jelly!" Maka winks

"Yeah. Black star told me she is jealous that you and him have a better relationship than shadow does. But she brought that on herself." Soul shrugs

"She'll get over it! Mia did. Just show her how you don't care that she hates you. Pretend it doesn't get to you. And show her how awesome you really are!" Scratch nudges me. I blush. "Well I at least think your amazing.". Maka and soul smile.

"Thank you guys!"

"No prob! I'd do anything for you gold!"

"Heh" I continue playing

"Pretty amazing" he whispers.

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