Lets Go

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Mikazuki's POV

The witches glare. But, when Mia and Jr finally wake up, they smile again. Mia takes one look at our friends bodies. And she runs to Rei.

"what?" She mumbles tears build up.

"he's dead!" Mika starts laughing. "hahahahahahahah. He's dead! And so is the witch that killed him!!!" Mika stands up laying his head on the ground carefully. She dashes

"if you'll kill one. Kill zephyr!" I scream. Because I know even Mika cant kill her. She's immortal.

"will do" Mika smiles, she dashes at zephyr leaving Kei behind. She punches zephyr in her face. She lands near a tree. Mika grabs her face and scrapes it down the tree. Then kicks her ribs multiple times. She walks back. "hahaha you seem to be hurt!! Let me use my magic to... Hmm HELP!!!" Mika grabs her by the shirt and punches her to the ground. I look around and everyone is looking away.

"Mika! Hurry it up!!!!" I warn her

"awe alright" she laughs a little then... She takes her hand and shoots it through her chest and uses her magic to shoot shadows through her whole body. And they rip her apart. Mika calms down and walks to Rei's body and sits next to him. Desdemona scoffs. She shoots at me with three arrows. One hits my shoulder, the other two never hit me. I look up in confusion. There he was. The live of my life. His arms drop and he falls to the ground. I grab his arm and cry. I kiss him one last time.

"goodbye" I whisper in his ear.

Kairi's pov

As mikazuki. Kissed rinji one last time, About a minute later she started screaming. The ground under her crumbled. Her voice rumbled the earth. Her hair blows up. She stops and stands up, walk over to the witch and touches her shoulder. They disappeared as fast as you can say gone. Everyone. Everything is quiet. Jr walks over to rinji and picks his body up, lays him next to Rei. And he does the same with leiko and ai. He grabs a cloth from under broken glass and lays it on top.

"please. Pray" Jr says. Mika, me, shadow, scratch, gold, Mia, Kei, tomeo, tanjiro, katsu, and Atticus, lay our heads down and pray.

"idiot" I mumble

"I loved him with all of my heart"Mika cries

"he was my best friend" Kei says

"I'm sorry about Ai, and leiko..." Jr says to their team.

"us too" atticus says with a low voice.


"mikazuki, take care" I say crying just a little more




"lets find the keishin and end this" Jr say with determination. "for our friends! They died because of this! We must take revenge!"

"lets go!" We all yell.

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