For All the Things Ive Done to You

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"Dumbass!!!" I yell at scratch. Mom and dad will be here in about an hour! And he just broke a window! With his dumb cast. He wasn't paying attention and swung his hand into the back window. Glass is everywhere and now the window is just a hole in the wall.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He screams antsy

"Mom and dad will be home soon!"

"What do we do?!"

"I-i-i don't know!" He pulls his face. Mom is really strict. Dad is too but not as much. Mom worries a lot but if we ruin something we get whooped. Dad is more passive and doesn't care but if we do something bad enough... We never see the light of day.

"C-call gold. Tell her what happened. See if we knows what to do. I'll clear the evidence."

"Right!" He runs to his room. I run to the kitchen and grab the broom. I sweep really fast. I run outside and sweep the porch. I can't throw it away in our trash cans. They might see! I go to the neighboring trash cans. I look around and make sure there are 0 witnesses. I dump the glass in and befnag I run inside I see our car down the road. I hurry in the house.

"They are here!!!" I yell.

"Gold said her grandpa can replace it! Wait they're what!?"

"Hide the widow!"

"How?!" Scratch panics

"Get the lamp!!" Scratch runs to the lamp. I hear footsteps. "They are here!" I quietly screech. I put the lamp in front of the broken window. The front door opens.

"I told you soul everything Is..." Mom starts. She looks at me and scratch. "Fine?"

"What.. Happened?" Dad asks shutting the door behind him. I realized that me and scratch look like we have guns to our heads and were forced to smile. I laugh nervous.

"Look at the time! Time for bed!" I nudge scratch. He nods

"Yeah yeah.... Bed!" We hurry to our rooms.

"Night!!!" We both yell.

"Its only 7:00!" My mom calls out.


Scratch POV

"MIIIIAAAAAA, SCRAAAAATCH!!!!!!" My parents scream. Waking me up. Its 10:00 at night. I sigh. Im mentally readying the back of my head for a slap. I stand up. Slowly making my way to the door. I fall to the floor and groan. "BOTH OF YOU! HERE NOW!" Looks like mia is also procrastinating. I stand up and rest my head on the door. I put on my game face. I open the door at the same time as mia. We nod to each other from across the room. We make our way to the living room. Mom is smiling at us both. With anger.

"I can see your in a bad place right now. I'll just leave you alone.." Mia tries walking away.

"Sit!" Mom points to the couch. We sit. Obeying mother. "What is wrong with the damn window?! What did you two do?!" Nag nag nag nag nag nag. Dad mouths to us.

"Haha.." Me and mia laugh a little.

"What is so funny!" Me and mia straighten up.

"I gotta go!" Dad walks away.

"Explain!" Mom folds her arms. Before I open my mouth mia speaks.

"It was me.... I-i got... Mad at scratch and punched the nearest thing.." Mia lies. I look at her astonished.

"Are you OK?" Mom asks. She always asks this before hitting us upside the head.

"Yesssss" mia closes her eyes.

"Your grounded... Phone, computer, and iPod. Now. Also no friends. And more lessons." Mia stands up and walks to her room. "Scratch room." I stand up. Mia walks out of her room and doesn't make eye contact. Before I open my door I hear a slap. And mia moan in pain. I flinch when I hear it. I step inside my room and shut the door. I plop on my bed. I wonder why she took the blame. She usually would do anything to get me in trouble.

"Thanks mia but no thanks. I'll tell mom the truth." I speak quietly.

"Better not! Bitch if you do. Your dead." Mia says through the thin wall. Thin...

"Why not?"

"Cause I said!"


"Your welcome! That slap hurt like hell!"


"I wouldn't be laughing. You'll get it tomorrow!"

"Bring it on!"


"Night" I roll over to sleep. Then I hear mia barley say

"For all the things I've done to you."

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